Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Time to send more Irish to Montserrat

Closing the Aviva for vaccinations to allow rugby games seems very short sighted now.

This is very concerning

If we can hold off until flu season it would be safe to oiutf…cases would rise and the lockdown lads would be tickled pink. Opening up now is way too risky as it probably wouldn’t make much difference

Did he seriously say that?

Fucking hell.

I gave twelve hours today in a satanically hot airport wearing a heavy, uniform and a (completely pointless) mask. I gave approximately three hours of that dealing with MHQ passengers, many of whom were from Turkey and had not planned on going to MHQ. One lovely lady called me a “fascist scumbag” for putting her on the list (though I am implementing a fascist, racist policy so maybe she had a point). It was a savage long day and I’m wrecked from it.

It’s made all the better knowing that it has completely stopped the delta variant from entering the country…


Well done mate, you’re like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike (almost mistyped that).

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Turkey is coming off the list tonight. All those people who landed and paid 1,800 for the hotel will be out tomorrow. Most of them had planned for two weeks in the hotel so now have no plans or accommodation and are, for the time being anyway, 1800 out of pocket for each adult.



Welcome to Ireland

Rousing stuff from Minister Donnelly, who’s been speaking with a lot of unvaccinated people in recent days.


My solidarity is by staying outside of the pub with the people who are being discriminated against


Sounds like the Turkish embassy got a phone call or two

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Speaking as an un(fully) vaccinated person I’d agree with him there in fairness. Personally I think they should oiutf but given a choice between not opening at all and the current idea id go for the latter. Even if it will be annoying when my nephew from England is looking out the window of the pub at me and him with divil a vaccine.

Pertinent and accurate words as regards the OIUTF cult.

If the streets are full of people left to die in the UK I will admit I am wrong. What will @Malarkey @cheasty @mikehunt declare if the opposite applies??


Covid is real. Every scientist in the field globally has dedicated their every effort to understanding it and being finally able to classify its attributes. The people who make vaccines did the same, and thankfully they’ve built the tools to beat it.

People who reminisce for the fear and hope for new damaging developments that simply don’t exist will do their utmost to hold society back. We’re in the process of escaping those clutches in the most conservative country to do so. The rest of the world has lapped us.

Pride Flag? = Not Senior Hurling, not Joe McDonagh, just Christy Ring - at best.

Shaun? = Sean/SeĂĄn.


There’s a large section of Irish society hoping that 1000’s die in the UK so they can enforce further restrictions


Winning arguments on the internet with strangers is the ultimate goal for some people