Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It could be worse than the Dublin syphilis outbreak of 1769. The lord save us.

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The situation is very serious

Next few weeks could be important here

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I said this a while back but surely the next month is serious shit or bust time for people being right on the internet.
Is there any scenario where either side will not be proved right in a month one way or the other?

Is it possible to somehow to tie this back to st sylbigots

The minister said there could be between 335 and 1,760 deaths from the virus over the next three months. “In the War of Independence about 2,300 people died to put it in context,” he added.



How many deaths have there been in the past two months?

So do the vaccine work or will young people start dropping like flies?

Or will that many people die of all causes in that time?

Come on pal, actual deaths don’t really count - it’s potential deaths derived from Nolan’s model which is in vogue now.

The elderly and vulnerable are nearly all fully protected but Armageddon is still imminent… :man_shrugging:

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Who are they modelling will die what ages? Do they genuinely think 1000 people under 40 could die as a kind of medium outcome? I know they’re painted as complete liars or absolute simpletons here but surely there’s some basis to what they’re saying…

I’m just curious as I haven’t seen a Covid death reported in Ireland for quite some time. Is it because the system is still down and can only report cases but not deaths?

Prior to vaccination roll out the the mortality rate worldwide was about 2% of cases. Over the past several months as vaccines have rolled out this has dropped by a factor of 10, so 0.2% of cases. For Ireland to reach 1,760 deaths over the next three months that translates to ~ 900,000 cases, or 10,000 cases a day.

Ireland has only had half that number of cases in total since March 2020. It’s a bit of a head scratcher.

Ursula paid a personal visit today with the updated fear and catastrophe instructions. Champ just nods.

That bluffer Glynn was on about Long Covid again this evening. That’s their default position. “We don’t know what it will lead to but it’s possible many people will suffer from it”

They can predict a very specific and exact number of deaths though.

January and February was all about protecting the elderly and vulnerable. Then it was about protecting the hospitals. Then the over 60’s, followed by the over 50’s. Now it’s to protect the young. The goalposts shift again and again and again.

Nothing is good enough for the LIDTF crew. We’re not getting out of this nightmare any time soon.


It’s all about cases now

Long covid is a load of bollox dreamed up by wasters and dolers to get even more social welfare payments


If the situation is as grave as being suggested today by NPHET, Donnelly et al, then surely it’s reckless in the extreme to reopen indoor dining/drinking. It was obvious from a week or two out that the July 5th reopening date would be deferred. It’s now looking likely that they’ll have to roll back on the revised reopening date. They’ll either reopen on July 26th but close again soon after amidst a deluge of cases or the date will be put back again late next week. I’d prefer to reopen when it’s safe to do so and I’d advocate a zero Covid approach.


Any word of Holohan lads? I’d says he’s about to deliver a tour de France

The Archbishop is building up for a big sermon on Sunday I’d say
Hell and brimstone all over the place

Greenland, Solomon Islands, Sint Eustatius, Montserrat, Saba, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, Tonga, Tokelau, Saint Helena, Pitcairn Islands, Palau, Niue, Nauru, Kiribati, Micronesia, Cook Islands, American Samoa and obviously North Korea have done it. No reason why Ireland can’t also with the right level of commitment for the next two years.

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