Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Mate, you need to give up on the US and treating it like a western democracy. It’s a failed society built on racism that has grown fatter and stupider on its own wealth and is now in the process of either swallowing itself or disappearing up its own hole, who can tell which.

Have you any mirrors in your house?

Blah blah blah stand up the straw men all in a line rather than engage with whatever anyone actually says.

Still in favour of MHQ as it’s currently implemented?

The threat to democracy, in the US at least, is mainly from left wing activism. Specifically from leftist intolerant people like yourself, who believe conservatives need to be cancelled, deplatformed and silenced. Even within their own Democratic party. The cancer in society is from those who believe they are right even when they are wrong and all dissent must be silenced. That is a totalitarian outlook, seen at it’s most extreme among Trotskyites like PBP, the party you support.

There is a good test of who is pro democracy right now on Cuba. Do you support the pro democracy movement in Cuba or do you support the totalitarian communist regime? It’s a tough one for the progressive left, which explains why they are either completely silent (like the squad) or actively backing the regime (like BLM). Are you pro or anti democracy for Cuba?


I was in favour of a fairly draconian MHQ programme for all countries. I think I was correct in that.

Naturally you do.

Find me a post that said that


Absolutely ludicrous.

The central defining tenet of the Republican party is rejection of democracy and the enforcement of minority white, anarcho-capitalist, kleptocratic, criminal rule. The Republican party is essentially the American fascist party. The world saw the final proof of that on January 6th, but it had bene obvious to any clued in observers for decades.

There is no such threat from the left. At all.

I support the transition of Cuba to being a genuinely socialist/social democratic democracy, which retains the best aspects of the current regime, and the current regime very much has some good aspects, not least its healthcare system, which is an astounding achievement for a country which has suffered such economic blockading.

You have previously praised the brutal dictatorship of Batista, which absolutely raped Cuba and its people.

You have also never spoken out against the US economically blockading Cuba.

So forgive me if I believe you have absolutely no regard whatsoever for the well being of the people of Cuba.


You are so so twitty.

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Who runs most of it - Russian and communist China

You are some clown with your right wing fascination. What’s the difference between right wing and left wing at the extremes.

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You’re a 400m track. I’m Michael Johnson.

I’m running rings around you.


OIUTF has been happy to spread this general view through joking, sarcasm and thinly veiled conspiracism for the last few months while trying to maintain plausible deniability.

OIUTF is not a serious position. It is a gaslighting operation.

Everybody knows what ye’re up to.

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You are an idiot who thinks intelligence is Covid-19.

It’s not a thing at all even.

The US right wing is in alliance with Russia on pretty much everything. Both are white supremacist and dedicated to outright disinformation. As I said last night, navigating the online world is easy. Disregard everything that is pushed by the online far right, and you won’t go far wrong.

You are extremely right wing so obviously you wouldn’t think there’s a problem with right wing disinformation. You welcome it.

Stick to Dolby 3:18 rather than Covid 19 pal.

You’re a tin foil milliner. .

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OK Hermann.

Absolute nonsense. Cuba prior to the Castros taking control was one of the three developed countries in the Americas and economically was ahead of almost all of Latin America and a lot of the US south. Just on food production alone, Cuba was 100% self sufficient and now imports 80% of it’s food. The commies destroyed the country, no surprise that you support them and support a brutal dictator as long as he was left wing. You are a shameless Trotskyite.


I ain’t the Hermit.