Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Ooh, a Gish gallop. This obsession with communism seems to be destroying your life. Strange that you claim to have voted for a candidate that so many in America believe is a communist.

Reasonable people would hope that you are.

Biden is a centrist Democrat like myself. Why are you ashamed of being a communist, surely you should be comfortable with your ideology? Unless you’re simply a troll of course.

unimpressed james bond GIF


Much of the US right wing believes Biden is a communist, because they’re nuts. It was a major reason for him losing Florida, for instance.

Anyway, none of this latest public meltdown of yours is anything to do with Covid, unless you have it? Maybe you should check that out. It’s merely an attempt to change the subject because you can’t debate Covid properly.

Why would I check that out? I’m fully vaccinated so I believe I am safe from serious disease.

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Because Cubans who live there are afraid of Communism as they say what it did to their country and that was leveraged.

People believe all sorts of nonsense. The belief that Democrats are communist is as irrational and stupid as believing “the Jews” did 9/11. The point of wrong-wing politics is to openly encourage irrational beliefs, because you have to be irrational (or, in a lesser percentage of cases, rational but nakedly evil) to vote for neanderthals like the Republican party.

“Many people say”… is not an argument. The question is why “many people say” the stuff they do.

Literally nobody on the broad international right wing, including posters on this forum, wishes to remotely address this question, because if they addressed it, the whole ghoul show would fall apart. The only thing holding up right wing politics and the world of irrational, hateful beliefs associated with it, is propaganda.

You certainly have a pre-existing condition - a disease of the mind.

Right wing and left wing are the same bird pal.

Nazism and Communism are indistinguishable

Mourning journalists in Hong Kong is now a terrorist act.


All one can do is laugh at somebody with your pigeon like worldview.


I’m shitting all over you in fairness.

@Cheasty and @Malarkey

Next time you swing at the King you best not piss yourself

Any normal person would piss themselves upon seeing your posts.

Get that sorted pal. Pilates helps a weak pelvic floor.

It also balances right and left dominance.

But there are Democrats who are favorable to communism. To deny that is simply to deny reality.

Are PBP communists? If they are not why do they call themselves Trotskyites? Was Trotsky a communist?

If you believe capitalism needs to be overthrown as PBP and Democratic Socialists of America do, what economic system should replace it?

Fair play. You are the greatest masochist since St Sebastian.

He leaked blood. And you leak brains.

Hard to know the stickier mess.

I’m two lap specialist Sebastian Coe

You’re the track being pounded.

I would say everyone can discern what you are pounding.