Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Hereā€™s the bell. End.

You said it. Nominative case.

You need to recognise you and @Malarkey are not the spider in the World wide web I am weaving

Enough is enough, well done Sheriff.

Communism is an entirely legitimate political ideology.

PBP certainly donā€™t strike me as communist. But I suppose they would be if believe AOC is. Which you do. Which is insane.

You believe in authoritarian capitalism where free speech is clamped down on. Sounds like youā€™re fan of China, so.



Is there a word for thinking another person is actually two people? Sort of a projected schizophrenia?

Whatever the word for it is, the phenomenon is definitely a giveaway that somebody is going batshit.

Ask the State appointed psychiatrist Monday morning pal?

Youā€™d have to work out which one to ask. I think that could be a problem for you.

So you couldnā€™t find a post and were full of shit, as usual. Grand. Goodnight


ā€œlittle militiasā€

ā€œstink bombsā€

ā€œa war, of some kindā€

ā€œYou are simply not going to get herd immunity through infectionā€ says Kingston Mills on RTE Radio 1 just now.

Says Britainā€™s decision not to recommend vaccination for under 18s is crazy, or words to that effect.

ā€œPrevalence of Long Covid in children is 10%, up to 20% in older childrenā€ says Kingston Mills.

Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of it, do you know if the immunity achieved through infection is factored into modelling? It must be I suppose.

Again leaving aside the rights and wrongs of it, infections are currently predominantly in the young unvaccinated age cohort. This must be providing a sizeable chunk of of people with immunity in this age group.

Is that as a percentage of total infections? That is worrisome. Friendā€™s nephew got it the other day, a child was sent to crĆØche even though they had symptoms, silly stuff.