Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Pfizer mainly.

More lockdowns surely.

Whereabouts would we be if the previous WHO pandemic advice had stood? I’ll take a guess and say slightly better off than now but without the mask and lockdown child ology.

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Interesting piece on it here too @Tierneevin1979

Menacing phone calls to Glynn and Holohan. Couple of lads on here will be under the microscope you’d have to feel. No zen

Covid 19 is a crafty squire.

Didn’t have to wear a mask in cafe Nero this morning
I was in Costa in Wilmslow yesterday and she was scraping the 2metre signs off the floor.
May be a tad hasty.

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The Brits are showing the world that its all a cod

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Is @Batigol is still labouring under the delusion that OIUTFers on this forum don’t think Delta is a joke?

I can’t find any post that references it being a joke.


Freeedddoooom! Shove your masks up your hole

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50,000 cases a day here, I’d say in reality its double or triple that, this thing is a total cod, get on with it to fuck


Everyone in the UK must have gotten it at this stage?

young people don’t give a shit or get tested anymore, and rightly so, the vulnerable have been protected, now it is time to treat this like any other disease and get out from under the bed, they will still be talking about this shite in 100 years and what a total cod/overraction it was


What’s the story with the close contacts? Are loads of people getting notified via their covid app they need to self isolate? I assume people are just deleting the app?

Are covid apps still a thing?

if you get pinged by the app, you are not legally required to isolate, only advised, if they ring you its a legal obligation to isolate, everyone is deleting the app. Mrs Tassotti got pinged last Wednesday, off work and getting paid for it, and out all weekend in the pub and at the beach, its a total cod


22 billion spent on that track and trace, and it not worth a fuck.


37 billion actually :sweat_smile: