Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )



@Batigol is the airport hopping today? I hope it is

@Batigol is actually remembering what a day’s work looks like. He’s in total shock.


How goes it today @Tassotti knowing you don’t have to wear a mask anymore?

I went into m&s there an hour ago, all the self service tills are back in the right place instead of only half of them available, and those stupid space markings have been scrubbed off the ground, it was a small thing but savage refreshing, auld fuckers are still wearing masks but you’d expect that


At least there is the choice to wear a mask or not. Ridiculous having to put on a mask when heading into pay for petrol were you will be in the shop for 2 minutes.

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inside in a empty petrol station and having to wear a mask, it would drive you ape, they are totally ineffective anyway as many studies have shown, lads walking around with a filthy mask in their arse pocket for 3 months, yeah, that will stop it alright


That annoys the fuck out of me, running into a shop for a couple of minutes to pick up something and having to wear a mask like that is going to make any difference. Have the sanitiser dispensers gone as well or are they still there?

He probably took the day off

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I’m on stress leave


There has always been a choice

Ah here we go, so you are going into shops and getting served without wearing a mask?

I haven’t worn one in months.



Great stuff


Fuck me unreal.


Look at the comments below to this article. The difference between here and the UK

We won’t be long finding out if they’ve fucked it up anyway. From a very selfish perspective it’s good for Ireland the extent to which they’ve jumped first, it’ll be fairly clear to us whether we should follow or not. Personally I think they’ve gone too soon in removing the last of the restrictions.

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Why do you think they have gone too soon? They have more or less completed their vaccination rollout.

I think it would have been sensible to go a little slower to see how delta develops because we really don’t know yet. They’re already substantially opened, the last restrictions that they removed were nightclubs and mask wearing was it? No harm to hold on them a couple weeks longer I would have thought.