Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

68% of the adult population is fully vaccinated and 88% partially vaccinated.

If vaccines are the way out and if they are meant to work then if they can’t do it now then they’ll never be able to.


time to get on with it, its now or never

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88% fully and 68% partially vaccinated would suggest that in a short number of weeks you arrive at minimum 88% vaccinated.

I think it would have been more prudent to wait that short number of weeks.

It wasn’t now or never, it was now or in a short number of weeks.


The UK is done with covid


You’ll be back in lockdown by mid August if not sooner.

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Will we fuck.

If the news out of Israel is true the vaccine wears off after six months. People are dropping like flies again that were vaccinated in January. You need to sign up for your booster shot.

Jaysus if that is the case it doesn’t bode well for us in winter. Cancel Christmas.

That’s that Pfizer shite, not worth a curse, AZ is the rolls Royce of vaccines. That will drive paddy even madder after the likes of that French pervert macron running it down. How come Texas and Florida aren’t locked down? The UK is leading Europe here and all paddy can do is hope they fail with his toxic nationalism, despite the fact if it a success paddy will copy them as usual


The proper vaccines like AZ work, the link between death, hospitalizations and covid has been been smashed by the British vaccine rollout I’d say the real case rate here is 150,000 a day, its nothing worse than a head cold ffs.

You’re not grasping the seriousness of the situation. The virus has outwitted us at every turn, it’s like the hurling yesterday, just when you think you have the cunt suppressed he comes roaring back in the second half. Anyway get your booster shot, it’s the only hope for a meaningful Christmas.


If that’s the case, the vaccine is a cod and we need to get on with it. The UK is done with this shite, I repeat done with covid.


They just need to get on with it now.

I got the Astra Zeneca myself. The other ones are only a cod.


The longer the wait for the 2nd one the better, I waited 77 days. It gave 94% efficacy instead of 75% after 4 weeks and 81.55% after 8 weeks

That’s an unreal level of efficacy. A proper vaccine.


It’s effectiveness that matters now though, not efficacy. Efficacy is only in theory really, the rubber hits the road months after the second jab. I’ve had three warnings this morning alone from health professionals to mind myself and revert to social distancing and double masks. One lad who works in a local hospital said the staff are getting infected and all of them were vaccinated back in March.

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If that’s true then science has failed us with shit vaccines.


Sure what did you expect. They were cooked up in under a year.


So people are being duped into putting useless experimental drugs into themselves.

Thank God I had a bit of sense in me and chose not to be coerced.