Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Please define ā€œfare betterā€ and please define "ā€œthe long runā€.

Youā€™ve poked a bear now and youā€™ve only yourself to blame. Iā€™ve bailed you out once too often round here Iā€™m afraid. Youā€™re on your own. Iā€™m done

tenor (59)

Fewer blood clots, miscarriages, fertility problems, serious reactions to corona viruses, myocarditis and other adverse reactions ā€¦and superior and longer lasting naturally acquired immunity.

Not sureā€¦1- 7 years perhaps? Whatā€™s the usual time period for a clinical trial? 7 years I read somewhere?

The darkhorse link on the ivermectin thread is worth a listen. Tess Lawrie seemed fairly certain that deaths and adverse reactions arenā€™t been reported or recordedā€¦I suppose long term side effects cant be, yet. However the nature of the UK system means that if an adverse reaction is listed then thatā€™s final and the case is closedā€¦even if the person goes on to due from the adverse reaction in question.

Well thatā€™s a shame. The last thing I wanted was to cause any bother

Your so called remorse doesnā€™t work.

Little rat bastard

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Pharmaceuticals laughing all the way to the bank - need a booster now every 6 months - classic recurring income model.

Thereā€™ll surely be a family discount subscription model for up to 6 devices sorry I mean people.

Well, fair enough. But the idea that a proper response to this pandemic could be conducted in those terms (ā€˜Letā€™s see what happensā€™) is simply not a runner. A pandemic, by definition, requires an immediate response.

I have no interest in Tess Lawrie, because I have no belief in people who think highly complex problems are amenable to simple solutions.

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You obviously didnā€™t listen to the podcast

Anybody refusing to get vaccinated is both an idiot and a cunt.


No, in fairness, I did not.

Jaysus thatā€™s some dig at the OIUTF crew, harsh but fair.

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Surge, nearly all. Any actual stats!

Obviously a factor that has to be ignored by certain people, even though those people claim they want a return to business as normal.

Al Johnson is now on the horns of a dilemma. If he does away with the need for close contacts to isolate, as appears to be the plan, so as to keep people in work, there is a significant risk that the number of infections (and cognate hospital admissions) will spiral out of control, leading to reimposition of lockdown. If he keeps the need for close contacts to isolate, the economy cannot return to business as normal, because of absenteeism.

Amazing how so few people could parse this dynamic before it actually started to happen.

How are there still people left to catch covid in Donegal? Some lads must be on their 3rd go


Australia have now basically said that their previous KPI of tracing people within 48 hours is increasingly useless versus Delta. This tallies with the latest science saying the incubation period is shorter with Delta.

This will likely make our piss weak T&T systems (Australia had very good T&T) even more useless.

My guess is that scrapping it for fully vaccinated people will make very little difference in a population reaching peak vaccination. T&T on those kinds of numbers is a waste of time.

Is it just the tracing element you abandon?

ā€œWe need to forget about Covid and focus on other health issues.ā€

By jaysus.

And people object to me coining the term ā€˜kangoā€™ā€¦

The CDC advised fully vaccinated close contacts with no symptoms not to isolate a few months ago if exposed. It made little difference then.

The U.K. T&T has been shite the whole way through. If you actually think this will make a difference then you are deluded.

T&T is fantastic when cases are low. After that it is mostly useless. This is why Australia has the ā€œearly and hardā€ mandate in many States. The U.K. are clocking 50k cases a day, and probably far more real cases. Itā€™s already ā€œout of controlā€.