Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I’d say its 150,000 cases a day in the UK, young people don’t care, are not getting tested, and are not getting vaccinated, they are done with covid

About time:

Mr Varadkar added that the Government is seeking new data on hospitalisations.
“We decided as a cabinet to seek data from the HSE, better data on the number of people who are actually in hospital being treated for Covid,” he said.

"We know today that there are 89 people in hospital, who are positive for Covid, but some of those are in hospital potentially because their appendix burst or they broke a leg, it’s not that they’re being treated for Covid.
“It’s essential that we need to find out with better data who’s actually in hospital because they’re being treated for Covid-19 as opposed to who’s Covid positive, which is not quite the same thing.”


There’ll be another Leo the Leak story after this.

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15 months later


Paddy is a slow learner


It’s appalling they have to ask for this information. Yet again it shows up what a shit and obstructive job NPHET are doing.


The info won’t be available because of the cyber hack


My my. You don’t say…just shows you how cosy they’ve been with the media…waffling away for the last year safe in the knowledge he’d never be asked

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Hard to make it up, truly…

Fuckwits who have been totally wrong for 18 months still thinking they were somehow right.

Stupidity is some amphetamine.

I think Track and Trace works when done right at the outbreak. I lament that ourselves and the U.K. failed on it.

It’s irrelevant at the levels of cases the U.K. has and the change in guidance will do nothing. This happened in the US where cases continued to fall after the advice was issued.

It’s fascinating that lads who claim to be intelligent are convinced by a T&T system that was claimed to be critical to managing the pandemic (because it worked in China, just like a lockdown where you weld people’s doors shut) and has been an absolute shambles. The absolute definition of insanity if any further evidence was necessary.


This ladeen has not got the slightest clue.

I am not referencing T&T as a criterion. I am referencing the horns of a dilemma about infection rates and a normal economy – as regards isolation-enforced absenteeism – if mass vaccination does not smother infection rates at source. Quite simple, if genetic luck gave you a decent brain.

I never cease to be amazed at certain people’s sheer (and massively confident) stupidity. Magnificent, in its way, like any shite rugby match.

That’s been the case for the entire time and the data is there but they deliberately sat on it.

Is there anything to be said for giving one of the big 4 a large consultancy contract? Would that help? I feel like it would

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How many people have died from Covid in Ireland in the past day? Past week? Past month? Past three months? Does anyone fucking know?

Has to be the one not managing the track and trace

I’d say fuck all. Somehow if it was a lot we’d know. We’d know good and proper.


but the cases are going up

The obesity crisis is where our focus needs to be now. That’s what puts our health system under pressure.

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Think i Heard Niall moynagh say to Anna geary the other day that 80% of health budget goes on diseases caused by lifestyle …massive

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