Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Contact tracing is the only realistic way to limit spread as most of those infected have infected others before they know they themselves are infected, if they ever know as they may be asymptomatic.

You are not very good at this stuff.

Me knows!

But what happens when the absenteeism factor dictates tracing goes the way of…

Ah, man…

Because of my upbringing, I am always that bit stunned by stupidity…

When 80% of the population is vaccinated then surely it’s game over?

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Fair play to you. Like you, I feel white people are largely a blight.

What did I say the other day, for slow learners?

You are a potato alright.

God bless you.

Am I am a Roaster or a Rooster?

More a waffle I’d say.

Ah yeah, you would be a man who loves crimping and unnecessary holes.

Nearly there so. It’s hard not to think some want this to go on forever. I look forward to you rubbishing lockdowns in October and November if they happen.

@Rocko would be doing a lot of lads favours if he locked this thread.


If further restrictions happen, they happen. If they happen, they’ll happen for damn good reasons, not for the craic - because they’re not popular.

Everybody should be prepared for the possibility. Life will go on.

At what point would you rubbish restrictions?

Sounds like North Korea.

Like if everyone else is open then we are basically a western version?

There’s one of them have a contract in the UK for it and the money is mental altogether.

We are far closer in opinion than you appear to realize.

I enormously dislike lockdowns, if only on temperament basis, because I am very much a social person, and because more practically lockdowns are markedly to my professional disadvantage – although I realize my work situation is a million times less than zero in overall relevance. I hate lockdowns. But I am rational enough – and sufficiently not in emotional hock to cookie cutter ideologies – as to see the bigger picture, as to see lockdowns for what they are: emergency pragmatism.

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Not really…

Confession boxes have their proper place in the Christian tradition.

Never. Because they aren’t brought in for the craic.

I would certainly rubbish the disastrous lack of restrictions at several points in this pandemic.

As I would do as regards the decision to open indoor pubs from July 26th.

A lot of what you and cheasty are saying makes a lot of sense and obviously the commentary on this site had become extremely one sided and had lost touch with the reality of this virus. But it also seems equally as ridiculous to me that the two of ye can’t countenance any suggestion that there may be flaws in the response to what is a completely unique challenge for every country including this one. Given the history of corruption and mismanagement at official levels here (and everywhere else) you suddenly seem to be arguing that they are getting everything absolutely spot on and anyone picking holes in it or arguing that they are getting things wrong and that there may be other ways to approach it has a mild general learning disability.


The woman in charge of testing and tracing here is seconded from testing and tracing experts EY.

If only their audit testing procedures were as good at finding issues as the PCR tests.


But every EU country is open and the bodies are not piling up?

I am sure if there was hundreds dead in Texas RTE would have told us by now?

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