Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nope, you made the below statement.

I am quite happy to predict that it will make no difference.

Why? They have never got near the numbers needed to slow it down regardless.

Already can’t cope with the numbers

Failure after failure, making no measurable difference to the course of the pandemic

Blamed for the rise of the Delta variant, when in fact the U.K. had low numbers

Still missing targets

One rumour in Ireland was that NPHET themselves did not value it. This was never outright said but was suggested by some ITK journalists at the time when they received some criticism for not doing enhanced contact tracing (an “academic” exercise). At the time I criticised them a lot as I wanted to see it used aggressively.

As I said, I think it can work great on low numbers, on the older variants and where you have the ability to put out mass exposure notices. The U.K. and Ireland’s contact tracing systems have been an expensive mess. Delta is making it harder to trace effectively;

Incubation of just 29 hours in Melbourne.

The shit U.K. system is pinging people days later, when they are all out and about anyway.

The CDC made their advice in February. Cases collapsed regardless;

It will make absolutely no difference to case numbers in the U.K. This is another in the line of Guardian articles that ignores that the US has been open for months conducting the dreaded “experiment” that the U.K. have alleged to have pioneered. I assume that people are ignoring this because of the change in occupant in the White House in January.

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One million hospital admissions for obesity related conditions in UK in 2020

Lock down McDonalds and KFC


It’s hard to imagine a scenario where they wouldn’t have that data.

HSE have been using covid to hide what a terrible service it is. Frontline workers aren’t overwhelmed because of covid but have been for years due to short staffing, poor pay and conditions and terrible management

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Fuck it, she’s on to us. The grand plan is in danger, I repeat, the grand plan is in danger.

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Another fuckwit who thinks T&T is the issue…

The gods help us… Wrong once through sheer stupidity and wrong again, twice, through sheer ego.

You would laugh, one must.

There is no stupidity, in the end, like ideology-harnessed stupidity.

I thought you were, absolutely, for personal freedom?

A bonfire of the stupid, so to speak.

Brain death can happen long before actual surcease.

How do you propose to track close contacts without a test and trace system? Mystic Meg?

There’s no point in debating anything COVID related with @Malarkey because it just turns into him calling you a fuckwit, ceasebag or sledging along those lines.

One million people ate themselves into a hospital ward in a year.

You’d need some bonfire to burn those calories.


I’m surprised the OIUTF cultists haven’t all got coronaries with the amount of words they’ve had to eat over the last 16 months.

Incorrect again, brain death is the legal definition of death.

Oh lordy.

Tracking infections equals quashing infections…

Where would you start with this level of stupidity…

The Nerves - Hanging on the Telephone - YouTube

God bless you, I hope you are a pleasant person in real life, because you truly are an awful fuckin’ eejit.

Well, yes and no. But irrelevant that I like to be pungent with unpleasant people. Otherwise I am extremely polite, like I was brought up.

I have won all the arguments, such as they are, because I can think from first principles. And I am just an ordinary Johnny Raw from South Kilkenny… Amazing, really. Then again, Kilkenny is a special place.


EY are already involved in one or more or testing, tracing and vaccination rollout.

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