Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Similar death rate to western Europe. Do all these European countries also suffer from decades of right wing disinformation? France? Spain? Italy? Belgium? Or could it be that suppression efforts have been equally poor in almost all western countries and the number of vulnerable people is roughly the same per capita.

Many of them do suffer from extensive right wing disinformation campaigns. The UK, Italy, France, Spain, several of the former eastern bloc countries chiefly among them.

Most of them don’t have anything on the scale of the sheer insanity gripping America - which you have largely bought into.


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Context matters. How many of those deaths are ‘from’ as opposed to ‘with’ covid. How many people die a year as an absolute, what is the excess deaths over the period, average age of ‘covid’ deaths. All of this matters when you are advocating locking people in their homes and shutting down large swathes of society. Context also matters when there are complete bad faith stats thrown out by the lunatics of stuff like ‘covid deaths have increased by 100% this past week’ when the deaths have gone from 1 to 2. It’s propoganda.

Surrly Texas Florids et al must be going through covid death emergencies what with abandoning lockdowns God knows how long ago? Funny how we don’t hear too much about them anymore eh?

The covid cult/lunatics have their lockdowns and retrictions and they won’t give them up easily. That much is apparent.



So liberal democracies like France, Spain and Italy have a similar Covid death rate to the US and the UK because of right wing disinformation campaigns? You might want to rethink that, I don’t think the virus is as concerned about ideology as you think.

I think you are in denial about this, as you cannot see any issue outside of the right wing bad left wing good lens. Uruguay is the most liberal country in south America and has the same death rate as the US, UK, France, Spain, etc. Peru has just elected a left wing president and has the highest death rate in the world, 3X that of the UK and the US.

Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever ,the death rate is the same in literally every western country regardless of politics. It’s as if the virus doesn’t care what you believe.


That was the vax portal and travel cert. 100s of consultants clocking huge hours.

Even in the hypothetical event that I could see no other issue and had literally no other political belief, I’d be almost entirely correct.

The higher viral load makes it more transmissible?

Would it also make people sicker?

UK food stores could be forced to close due to Covid self-isolation rules, the British Retail Consortium warns

The chief executive of the British Retail Consortium has warned that some food retailers will be forced to close shops due to the numbers of staff having to self-isolate after being “pinged” by the NHS app.

But Helen Dickinson urged people not to panic, adding: “There’s plenty of food in the country.”

She said some parts of the country are worse hit than others but that fear is growing among business owners. Self-isolation rules are currently not planned to change until August 16.

“Right now that feels a long time away given the rises that we’re seeing in case numbers,” Dickinson told BBC breakfast.

“There will be many smaller businesses where if they only have one or two staff and they need to self-isolate, then that’s them needing to close their doors completely.
“What is the most important thing is that people don’t panic because there’s no need to panic, because there’s plenty of food in the country.”

Are fully vacc’d people required to isolate over there?

In the UK , where food supply chains are facing staff shortages due to Covid exposure, a food distribution company has told staff to go against government advice.

Bidfood is instructing workers who are “pinged” by the NHS app to follow a testing regime and keep working.

The company’s chief executive, Andrew Selley, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme:

We know that they’re critical workers as part of the food supply chain, so if people are obviously positive or contacted by Test and Trace then they will have to isolate.

If they are pinged we ask them to take a PCR test, if that’s positive then clearly they’ll isolate, but if it’s negative we ask them to come back to work and we have a process of doing lateral flow tests daily away from their workplace, and if that’s negative they can proceed with their work.

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Sort of….

Yes. That is the problem.

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In fairness you were the first fella I saw raising this as an issue outside deaths and hospitalisations but I suppose the key argument is SHOULD so many people have to self isolate. Presume there’s ‘experts’ on both sides.

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Look, I have no card to carry for that other individual – quite the opposite – and I am a pragmatist, not an ideologue. You can be a pragmatist if you believe you have the innate intelligence to analyze situations, as they occur, on their own merits. I do not need a bible of any kind. And I believe in good manners, an attitude that includes not grossly insulting the widow of a country person who happened to be a great hurler simply because that person happened to be a country person.

For what it is worth… I believe in good farming, accommodation with local ground, actually and metaphorically. I do not believe in grand world visions. Yet I do think the nanny state, in a broadly European sense, has an awful lot to be said for it, because I believe, in a secular sense, we live in a fallen world, believe we are all sinners. We need to be checked by a sober remove. Nearly all worthwhile initiatives in the 20th century were achieved by the nanny state. This statement is historical fact.

My first concern about the Covid-19 pandemic – my sovereign emotional concern – was family orientated. I am lucky enough to have half elderly parents who have fully young grandchildren (another one is due in a fortnight). The idea that either side of this equation is more important in human terms, as per Jonathan Sumption, is utterly repugnant to me. Again, I have friends who were never busier and I have friends for whom this pandemic, economically, is exceptionally difficult. I would be in between.

I sat down and thought about the issues, once they started to happen. I am highly opinionated, by family nature. I gave my opinions – on here, mainly. My opinions are completely unimportant – I am only the ghost of a ghost of A Lad On The Internet – but my opinions are largely ‘right’, because I can think without encumbrance.

Sé sin.


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Oooft, as they say on here.

Maybe this lad isn’t all bad.

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You appear to have irrefutable evidence that opening up is safe. Maybe start keeping a record of all the anecdotal evidence you’ve gathered and send it on to the powers that be. TFK have evidence suggesting Sweden isn’t in Scandinavia which I believe has been sent on to the relevant authorities. TFK have a big part to play in this so keep up the good work.

I’ve also heard France isn’t in Benelux but some maniacs insist on comparing France to Belgium.