Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I heard Sweden isn’t in the EU so can’t be compared to the rest of the EU.


A pity his good manners doesn’t extend to here.

The likes of you does not deserve manners.

@Malarkey is sound. He just hates mangoes…or quangos it something

Some more info on the Hospital data this morning.

So of the 18 new cases in hospital, 8 were fully vaccinated. 7 were aged 50+

I’d dearly like for @Malarkey to go after the ex Tribune crew on Twitter and call a bemused Miguel a Kango head.

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Issues seem to be in GUH. Nothing in the data alluding to hospital acquired infection - eg Mayo hospital.

Yeah I heard there was an outbreak in Mayo hospital alright.

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I don’t need to take a record. If you go into any town/village in Ireland there is bundles of evidence that politicians know is there but can’t use due to the nature of our media and Irish Twitter.

The only aspect of society that is not open is indoor dining and events. Any pub/restaurant that wants to open on the QT can. Most club games are played with covid restrictions ignored.

Guards and 99% of people are sick of policing this shite.

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Maybe if you’d gathered all the anecdotal evidence and sent it on maybe they would have opened it all up earlier? Guess we’ll never know.

I’m too busy enjoying it rather than the hide under the bed crew.

Maybe corona virus was started by our gods to reduce the worlds population to save the planet from global warming.


Yeah that seems to be distorting it. Unless we know that they were admitted for Covid reasons, it’s a bit of a useless stat. Breakthrough infections will happen.

In this new spirit of mannerliness I won’t quote the post where I collated some of the times he went postal.

A line needs to be drawn under the whole shooting gallery, as they say.

Well that’s just a flat out lie.

You seem to complain a lot about restrictions that, according to your research, don’t actually exist. At least you’re having fun doing it.

I’m alright jack

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A bit like the lads who were out “protesting” in London on Monday having already got what they wanted.