Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Irish people born in the 20th century are responsible for slavery in the US in the 18th/19th century. Because they are white. It makes perfect sense really.

Always the victim.

As you said yourself, this is what happens when simple solutions are used to address complex problems. Boris is the leader Ireland needs.

If Iā€™m a victim of something Iā€™ll state it matter of factly. And indeed I was on that occasion, and have been several times on this forum - including of doxxing - which I havenā€™t resorted to.

All while being told to commit suicide and told entirely unironically that I was mentally ill.

And all for speaking a few home truths.

Which I know lads here, not least yourself, find very confronting.

How anyone in charge of government could decide to open up and end restrictions, a move that is badly needed, but not comprehend that a ā€˜pingdemicā€™ would ensue is beyond stupidā€¦

I am far from an expert but no very complex thought processes would immediately deliver this problem to light. Then again, the Tory backbenchers would not be great at the old thinking lark.

White Irish people who oppose the teaching of factual history and factual present as regards race and think the teaching of that factual history constitutes ā€œan attack on Americaā€ or some such - and you do think this, we have six years of evidence of it - are white supremacists.

The US has opened up and ended restrictions and has no pingdemic.

Take your critical racist theory nonsense to the racism thread.

All of Europe disagrees, NPHET disagrees.

Rejecting the views of relevant experts is the prerogative of fundamentalists or imbeciles.

Youā€™re proving my point. Critical race theory is about challenging the white supremacist version of history. Itā€™s quite simple - if you oppose it, you support a white supremacist version of history - fake history, in other words, and therefore by definition support a white supremacist version of contemporary discourse.

This is the version of history you support.

Thatā€™s what white people who use the N word say.

Very telling. Very telling.

Norway and Finland donā€™t. And they have bene the most successful countries in Europe during the pandemic.

The rest of Europe can disagree all it wants, the rest of Europe has been categorically wrong.

OK Ewan.

Did you not tweet Ewan last time you were banned ?

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The ravings of absolute lunatics like yourself have no place in public school education. The success of Asian Americans overcoming discrimination and in most cases fleeing totalitarian regimes clearly demonstrates that critical race theory is complete bullshit. So much so your fellow loons are now accusing Asians of being white.

ā€œThe ravings of absolute lunaticsā€ā€¦


No Ewan banned me when I very respectfully engaged him on the subject of Covid on Twitter during the winter and ran rings around him.

Ewan isnā€™t able for senior hurling.

A bit like you.

If only there were so.e case studiesā€¦Real life ones, places that stuck to the established science and protocolsā€¦ it would be useful if some OIUTF US states could be compared to other LIDTF states

ā€œIā€™m right and everyone else is wrongā€ is not an argument.

Thatā€™s literally your argument.

In the face of all evidence.