Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Those educated and experienced in such matters say the vaccine is one of the best ways to stop the spread of a virus that has killed 4 million people. I believe them because it’s the general consensus, not one or two lunatic cranks. I got the vaccine based on their advice, much like I get the flu vaccine every year. I’m doing my bit to help protect the vulnerable and get a bit of normality back to society.

You choose not to because you don’t think Covid impacts you except it does impact you but but but…carry on raging against the general medical consensus.

It’s very likely much more than that.

Millions more in India alone almost certainly.

The mask slips.

I can smell me a banning and a run to Twitter by little Sid. The boys took their ball home and won’t let me play.

Glad to see that I’ve inspired you pal

But you just claimed you were “overwhelmingly correct” throughout this pandemic. Those who were aware and alert in January 2020 like @labane1917 knew of the dangers based on the original SARS-1 outbreak, and knew China would cover up any similar outbreak. Which is exactly what transpired, by the time the world woke up in March it was too late. Were Taiwan and Singapore racist for stopping travel from China in late January?

The only way the pandemic could have been averted was if it was contained in Wuhan, which could have been done, but instead of containing it the CCP allowed 5 million people travel out of Wuhan during January. Yet to this day you still have people like yourself who defend China and label criticism of the CCP as racist. Because communists good, or something, something.


Yet again, you seem to displaying severe signs of deference and are the equivalent of a nodding donkey. How well do you know the human psyche, how well do you know the intentions and motivations of these people, are there any conflicts of interest at play? You just seem to be a nodding donkey incapable of any independent thinking. Maybe you are not informed or confident enough to make you decisions and observations and need to be told what to do?

Not every medic or expert agrees with, there is plenty of people who object to it as well.

I gave you to floor to put a claim to this earlier and you were unable to frame an argument. You’re just trotting out the same vague lines like the nodding donkey you are. Why can’t you actually substantiate what you say?

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I didn’t want to encourage the reintroduction of the ‘with/of Covid’ hair splitting. They’re angry enough.

You’re cosying up to the nutjobs again.

I’m only quoting the lad himself and how he describes himself. Strange you think using a poster’s own description of themselves should be a banning offence.

Very authoritarian and anti-free speech.

The term ‘general medical consensus’ is lost on you, unsurprisingly.

The term “nodding donkey” is lost on you.

What was the general medic consensus on Covid back in Jan 2020?

I have been overwhelmingly correct. While you were quoting eejits who said the pandemic would burn itself out by the middle of May 2020 and calling the Alpha variant “bollocks”.

I know you find these facts very confronting.

I would too if I were you.

Their anger is most of all at themselves. Self hatred is a terrible thing.

Lies. You were banned for most of the pandemic, so we have no evidence what you believed during your enforced absence. Maybe you can share your overwhelmingly correct Twitter posts during that time?

Indeed. They lash out at all and sundry for all of their problems, lacking the self awareness of how they’ve contributed to the problems themselves. Always someone else’s fault. Oh woe is me.

The Sid Variant is running rampant

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And we’re back to a few months ago.

I was banned on April 22nd 2020 because one of you lot set up fake Twitter accounts to get me banned. Because you didn’t like what I was saying. Because you were anti-free speech.

My posts in the interim are available for all to see on GAABoard and YBIG.