Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Very interesting.

They will double down though for sure and blame the "unclean"unvaccinated children and the so called awkward squad.

In years to come we will be talking about people who let themselves be coaxed into getting a vaccine in the same vein as a person who bought shares in Anglo Irish bank at the peak of the boom.


Some dissent in the comments

Plenty of them have been downplaying the impacts flu has on the health service and no of lives it costs every year.

Strange how they lost their shit with Covid. They must not be very intelligent.


I can’t understand it myself. Covid is very much a threat to the elderly and immune suppressed. Same as a bad flu season.

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Jesus, the @The_Most_Infamous will have to rebrand

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Thats been said before in fairness :grinning:

As I said many a time. The ole covid is a cod

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Because some anonymous pro-testing account contends with little subtance.

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:grin: :grin:

Sure he even admitted in his last tweet that he has a financial interest in PCR testing.

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Fact :clap:

Did you hear nolan this morning? Incredible stuff…they’re actually tripping over one another’s lies at this point.

That lad is a moron mate.

Is that screenshot inaccurate with regards to the PCR test mate?

PCR tests have allowed individuals make billions.


Complete and utter bullshit. The PCR test is highly specific to the Covid virus. The CDC are asking labs to start checking for flu as well as there is an expectation this will be a bad flu season coming up.

Hmm ok.

Wow, shocking.

Any mention of this on Irish State Sponsored media RTÉ?

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The OIUTF lads are like Tipp in the Munster final. A bit too much clapping at halftime.