Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We’re only at the first water break yet, mate.

From today you need your papers to go into an indoor restaurant here.

What’s next?

“So, in the future Michael, covid tests will work”
Why do I hear that in the voice of Troy McClure?

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The above suggests the majority of the unfortunate people that we have in hospital currently that are covid patients went into hospital for something else and then tested positive for Covid.

That I’m sure includes the vast majority of our hospital admissions and people in ICU.

Was this not the case all along? @Tierneevin1979 .

12 months ago Varadker admitted in fairness to him that over a thousand deaths here were presumed covid without even a test.

I’m just wondering has the flu not been taken into account at all on top of all that.

I think anyone who died and had difficulty breathing was recorded a a covid death…the people that died and have no difficulty breathing don’t appear in the official stats…that’s my reading of it anyway


The chap Tony Canavan mentioned that in the winter wave it was genuine admissions with Covid symptoms while this time round the majority are “with” Covid. There was a Coroner in Mayo last year who claimed the vast majority of recorded deaths were"with Covid".

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Depends if you put the emphasis on “will” or “work”.

And to pregnant women

There being no flu at all last winter seemed a bit odd
Although do they test for flu at all any winter or is it assumed as flu unless you get to hospital.

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I’d love to see a distinction between with or of covid in terms of deaths.

Fair enough the HSE was hacked recently but surely they have that data to hand for March 2020-2021?

So, are you dead or not? Would you ever make up your mind ffs

Very odd. How does the flu just cease to exist? Symptoms of the flu and Covid are quite similar too.

Can one of the LIDTF lads give me any reason why children as young as 5 years of age should take these vaccines?

Who are we protecting with that venture?

Stop that too much common sense that only the mentallers have been saying here. Wheres my tinfoil hat

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It’s all to start to come out now.

The synergy is off the charts.

Overall herd immunity and schools remaining open

Goalposts are moving pal.

Whats herd immunity now? It was 70-80%?

The elderly and vulnerable are fully vaxxed, there is no reasonable excuse now for stopping kids going to school surely.

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I mean individual schools where Covid cases are found, not schools on a whole

We’re at 67% fully vaxxed last time I checked. Individual schools should not close as things stand. If a student or teacher tests positive they can isolate or whatever.

We are not in March 2020 @the_man_himself