Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Prepare for the next psychotic phase. Cases are rising, hospitalizations up a bit, no deaths.

Don’t allow @Thomas_Brady grab this Zero Covid mantle or he will drive you all insane this winter.

They have no lives and no brains.

He took a month off tfk to plan out this persona pivot and dream it all up again

But sure hasn’t the delta variant been here and in Britain for ages and children are mixing like mad with very little impact. Have they a different variant in US?

Why are the experts saying otherwise?

But sure there’s experts saying everything we can only go off the stats surely.


Out walking dog. Go into shop on way back, forgot my mask.

No one in corner store except 2 staff. Pull jumper up in attempt to replicate mask.

“You’re going to need to put on mask”
" Walked here forgetting it so haven’t one to put on this time"
“We’re not supposed to serve you”
“I know, sorry” as land rashers on counter
“You’re putting me in awkward position” from behind mask and perspex screen
“I’m sorry, doing best I can with jumper and can show you vaccine report”
Ignores and throws change on counter for fear of close contact i presume.

Understand sensitivity in some still but fucking tiring. Myself and both kids would frequent shop at least once a day. They both go in without masks as under required age. So if covid in the household, they’d be bringing it in without issue.

The screens at checkouts are here to stay which is a good thing but being made feel a pariah for not having a mask to buy a pack of rashers surely has an end point? Using jumper up over face would have as much protection as the gammy material masks they’re selling anyway.

How long before normal?


Would you not have bought one?

Really cuntish behaviour to the shop worker

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1 in 8 minors who get Covid get Long Covid.

The actual experts are telling us this is a serious problem and Covid is not a disease to be messed around with.

But if people want to believe in conspiracist nonsense pushed by the extreme right that’s their free choice, and nobody can stop them from doing so.

Well then playing underage children’s sport and sending the kids back to school means we will have at least 10pc of the children in the country severely ill. Seems incredibly reckless of nphet to recommend it.


No, wasn’t even offered it.

Tbh, I wouldn’t have anyway. Have hundreds of the cunts and just got caught short this time. Would have turned on my heels instead if she, within her rights, said ‘sorry, can’t serve you’

Additionally, she’s behind a mask and screen, I’m behind screen + 2 layers of fabric (tshirt and jumper) and we’re both likely fully vaccinated.

It’s now more in the mind than the actual risk at play

Could you have walked home and got one, how long would it have taken you?

its some load of nonsense, I don’t know how ye stick it, a jumper is a better job rather than some shitty rag that was in your arse pocket for 3 weeks anyway

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15 mins walk home, 15 back again to shop and 15 home again

It’s very interesting that people choose to disregard actual experts working at the coalface in favour of random anti-mask Twitter accounts who use massaged, context-free figures to push a far right political angle.

Fascinating, even.

I went for an indoor pint the other night with my brother. It was pissing rain outside and I hadn’t seen him in two years. We both had to wear masks until we got to our seats literally 2 metres inside front door. We then took them off and sat there for nearly an hour. The pointless theatre stuff just devalues any of the serious dangers that no doubt remain. (Were both vaccinated and had to show our certs too obviously)


It’s curious how you’re led by the nose by a neuroscientist, geographer, architect and anarchist. Fascinating even.


In fairness to you though reading through that Twitter thread they seem to be very very worried in Louisiana. Masks for kids and everything. Is there an explanation why it’s hitting them worse than here for eg? It’s unbelievable how every single thing about this virus and the way it behaves seems designed to divide people.