Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

How am I contradicting myself? Covid can cause significant long term effects for people of any age. It’s also foolish to dismiss the threat of a really serious, evasive variant emerging and the more Covid spreads among the unvaccinated, the greater that chance. Mass spread among the young is an experiment we don’t want to undertake.

If we reach, say, 3k cases, it’s a short hop to 7k. I hope that doesn’t happen, and if it does I don’t expect it to cause anywhere near the amount of deaths it did in January, but it would clearly be a problem.

It isn’t and it doesn’t. It’s nonsense.

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The sting of a dying wasp hopefully the downright fear the likes of him and McConkey have perpetuated over the last year or so has been disgusting.


That statement cost Michael McDowell dearly


So why has it worked elsewhere?

Ryan has largely been right over the last year. That’s the thing that really gets to a lot of posters here. I can genuinely sense the rage building up inside other posters when this is pointed out.

These are the same posters who were hanging on the words of the pub lobby and Johnny Arse.

Well done, lads, well done.

Really? it’s a novel virus 16 months or so since it hit, I’ll leave that to scientific experts to determine over the fullness of time. My missus 50 and my eldest 23 got it at Christmas it’s only in the last month or so herself is fully back to normal energy wise let’s call that “medium COVID” so to speak.

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Read Ed Rooksby’s blog. He died about a month after writing this.

Deal with his point. You’re an expert, at least that’s the impression your posts are designed to give, so you should be well able to deal with it.

I’m not the Minister for Justice yet chief

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Now you’re just being silly. I’ll leave it there.

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What if a new variant emerges that makes people’s heads fall off? We should go on a solo run here and go against what every other western country is doing and we should lock down harder. Civil liberties are overrated anyway. Let’s ignore the evidence from Israel and the UK that the vaccines work and let’s ignore the evidence from Sweden and Florida and Texas that strict lockdowns are unnecessary and instead let’s follow the advice of a handful of nerds who have been wrong on everything since day 1 and who ignore silly little things like shared borders and people being social creatures. Jst another few years of lockdown just to avoid something that most likely won’t happen.


But it has worked elsewhere. There’s nothing silly about pointing that out.

About what? In my opinion he has been given a media platform to spread his non sensical zero COVID theory and equate autism in babies to COVID without any scientific evidence but I’ll respectfully await your response.


Apart from the obvious. You’re smarter than that pal. There’s no point in engaging with that, it’s just nonsense.

Sweden’s latest daily Covid death figure is 38. Texas is still averaging 40 Covid deaths per day. Florida 60 a day.

But it has worked. It might be flawed in its implementation here but that does not mean it is not working within the limited parameters of its implementation. It has done so elsewhere where it has been limited in its implementation. The UK is the obvious example.

And how does that compare against other US states and other European countries? You already banged out stats from other countries where there are still people dying. You’re taking your lead from an associate professor who is widely ridiculed. Take a step back.

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Abut pretty much everything - while the majority of people on this forum have been wrong about pretty much everything. I’ve invited people to deal with what he actually said and nobody has taken it up. They prefer to cosplay as Johnny Arse.

There is zero evidence that it causes autism in babies. None. Is that enough of an answer?