Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

He’s widely ridiculed by people who have been consistently wrong.

I put up stats because it’s important to have facts to debate on.

Tis only a flu lads. It’ll burn out

You didn’t deal with what he said. Deal with what he said about maternal immune inflamation. It should be easy given your expertise.

And the facts and the data are that the difference between those countries or states that removed most of the civil liberties of all it’s citizens and those that didn’t are negligible. This is something that is very uncomfortable for zero covid mentallers to deal with which is why they never address it and I will bet everything I have that you won’t either.


New Zealand has had 26 deaths in total and has also had normal life for the vast majority of the pandemic.

So you are wrong. You’re going down the road of the cranks we don’t have to name here, because we all know who they are.

I don’t take anything he says seriously and when someone says “we have no data on this but…” then it doesn’t need to be dealt with. When he comes up with some data then I will deal with it otherwise it’s just guessing about stuff.


Variants are a cod.

The Indian measles variant will be next

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“There is no data but…”

Fuck off Sid.


Grand so. It’s your right not to take anything he says seriously. I don’t take anything said by a significant cohort of posters here seriously.

There are good reasons why I don’t.

New Zealand has a unique geographical advantage that most countries don’t have. Address the question about the negligible difference between Florida and Texas and the other US states please.


I’ll refer to Doctor Fox PHD again

You tell me the difference. Go through it, state by state. You’re the expert.

You tell me the difference. You’re the expert. Wecan both play that game. You’re an expert on everything. I said I would bet everything I have that you wouldn’t address it and I was right because it blows your argument apart.

just catching up there on this
That was brilliant stuff today by Hoolahan :grin:
a “dark cloud”…

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You’re the person that’s claiming something. It’s not up to me to make your argument. The onus is on you.

A lot of lads are going to get a shock when they are summoned back to the office in September.


You’re vaccinated pal.

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You’re not claiming anything? What are you doing then?

Your hero: “we have no data on this but…” and your stance is why won’t anyone deal with his point.

Actual data and statistics: what about New Zealand though?

Good night Sid. Zero Covid train left the station a long time ago and is not coming back. Try to make yourself comfortable with that point and you’ll save yourself a lot of typing.


Probably the best real world comparison. Restrictions or not makes fuck all difference

I’m not sure what you’re doing to be honest. My points are fairly easy to understand.

I think it’s fairly obvious at this stage that we aren’t going to be implementing Zero Covid.

I’m simply pointing out that the benefits of doing so were clear. There’s no point in moaning about so called “restrictions on civil liberties” when you were one of the very people howling for policy which made those restrictions inevitable, while you also howl at people who were advocating for policies proven to work elsewhere, which resulted in what was effectively normal life.

It’s fairly obvious who was right and who was wrong.

California has had a considerably lower death rate than Florida in recent times.

I’m not an expert in exactly what each US state is doing as regards restrictions or non-restrictions, but I thought it was worth pointing out that California has been doing better.