Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Your completey delusional mate. Search for the holy grail with Indiana Jones. Death, taxes and the irish government incompetence are 3 guarantees in life. And look it I hate the idea of all three but I’m zen that there’s nothing I can do about them.

Ah yeah. I’m completely delusional.

McConkey and Ryan tried to lock me in my house but I resisted every single day.


I’ve heard it all now. Last week we had "back to work anxiety " and this week we have “working from home burnout”


The travelling salesman never had it better. Only man with access to draught pints. LIDTF!

Some people have real jobs mate, we can’t all spend every day scratching ourselves wondering is it time to log into the haven’t done a tap of work today thread yet.


Time to up your HRT I think

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**Known/confirmed cases.

Hundreds of millions of people have had this without even knowing it. So that 2% is weak as piss.

There have been roughly 250,000 cases in Ireland. Ignoring the restrictions that kept this number down you’d want at least 25,000 deaths before you’d consider any restrictions and 50,000 deaths before considering full lockdown? I’d imagine the health service would be absolutely destroyed long before these numbers would be reached. This would be all acceptable to you once you’re free to have a pint in Magaluf. Interesting.

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It’s over because the vaccine works, something your myopia refused to consider. Can you imagine how many more would have died had we OIUTF without a vaccine, something you were urging from the very start? Unlikely you care but the cautious, patient approach has been thoroughly vindicated.

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If you are fully vaccinated can you take off the stupid, pointless, virtue-signalling cunt of a mask or what’s the story?

By the ear mike I’m telling you.

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In America you can. I’d say we’ll follow by Autumn.

But we don’t have to imagine, we can do a reasonable estimate based on how other places with similar demographics to Ireland fared. If we start with your beloved Sweden who never had a lockdown, they have a 40% higher death rate than Ireland. That sets the high number for Ireland at 7k rather than the 5k you have had. But there’s good reason to believe Ireland would not have had Sweden’s death rate as Ireland has a much younger population, 14% of the population are over 65 compared to Sweden’s 21%.

Comparing to US states of similar population and demographics that opened up in May of 2020, Ireland is right in the middle of the range, higher than Oregon, Washington and Utah and lower than Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maryland.

The evidence is there was no benefit whatsoever to staying in lockdown after May of 2020. Ireland could have been opened up sensibly and wouldn’t have suffered more deaths. If a bit of effort had been put into infectious disease control in hospitals you could probably have saved a few thousand lives.


So @Heyyoubehindthebushes is making a claim based on no data. :smiley:

Sure isn’t what has gone on this forum for the last year effectively a virtue signalling self help group for deniers?

You’re a true hero, mate.

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‘Your’ evidence suggests this.

My evidence is the actual number of deaths from official sources. Your evidence is projections of catastrophe from head cases.


Have you two ears?