Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

From the FT

Public Health England has presented the first real-world data on vaccine efficacy against B.1.617.2, the variant first found in India.

Efficacy against symptomatic B.1.617.2 was 81% after two doses, much higher than many have feared.

The doom merchants will be disappointed with this.


Anyone know if the outdoor dining or drinking will be required to stop at a particular time at night?

Mr Backinatracksuit, tear down this sign.

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A lot of lads on this forum are going to need therapy after this pandemic. Never has so much pretend expertise been written about so much by those such of little knowledge.

“Dr Martin Daly, a former president of the Irish Medical Organisation, says new restrictions may be needed for Limerick”.

The Donegal treatment on the way for Limerick.

Those lads are so so lucky you came back to share your expertise on a wide range of issues with them.


“There’s no data but…”

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All depends on the context. If 10/20% of everyone infected died irregardless of health and age then lockdowns etc are acceptable. Last March we believed this and locked down. Again I don’t disagree with that decision at that time based on the evidence available. Since May 2020 when it was clear it wasn’t deadly, mainly affect older and at risk people yet killed less than half a percent of people confirmed infected the restrictions and decision making have been a farce. Based on what we know about covid from that point leaders should have made the decision to open up and accept that there will be deaths or go zero covid whole hog.

We are at a point where people believe death can be avoided and completely lost the run of themselves

Don’t trust that public health mid West. They are still crying the regional is under pressure with every excuse except its the worst hospital in the country


I’m going to personally track you down and lift you out from under that bed with a massive boot up the hole, mike. The first thing I’ll do then is pull you by the ear down to your mother’s house so you can apologise to her for emotionally abusing her for giving your child a birthday present. This is over mike, you and the rest of the zero death mentalists will just have to get used it. Life will go on, your heros will continue to scaremonger about new vatiants and made up conditions and a few gullible idiots will continue to lap it up but the rest of us are ready to start living again. Come with us buddy, you’ll thank us in the end.


Will a restricted number of fans be allowed attend GAA games now that this thing is done?

Yep you’ll be watching hurling matches with fans there on your telly before you know it, kid.


No need to have any particular expertise to see through bullshitters, mate.

The reaction has been hilarious. They don’t like their little cult being disturbed.

The Yorkshire variant has 3 different mutations, some of which may evade the vaccines, back under the bed. it will become the dominant strain in Ireland once the Indian variant has ran thought the population

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You make an awful tool of yourself when you write stuff like this, you really do. You can at least see why Aisling O’Loughlin and QEwan would do it, they’re desperate for any sort of exposure that might revive flagging media careers, but you don’t have the same excuse.

Galway falling down the rankings

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An awful tool? Let’s be straight we will all die at one point. If you want to be comfortable and enjoy what life is you need to accept death. I’m not a fan of religions but the Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism teach this and is a very interesting Outlook on life.
We are at this point as over the year we have been falling over each other claiming to protect the vulnerable. People are denial of this as we must follow restrictions but I did x its essential to me yet scold everyone else.

The vulnerable are now protected based on the ask of the public in April May 2020. We have no excuse not to open up. The fact that you are still harping on about zero coivd and MHQ etc shows you are caught in this pie in the sky notion

Worldwide case fatality rate is over 2%.

Cool. Let’s allow murder, abolish all laws, any concept of health and safety, and abolish all healthcare.