Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Bad news for lads trying to avoid weddings

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I see Michéal has cautioned against July 1st as reopening. I assume because of the dreaded “anticipatory behaviour”. We have to follow The Science™

Cautious and conservative.

Covid loves fixed dates. You’ve to sneak up behind it and surprise it.

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Invertebrate and incompetent would be a better summation


You just cannot trust the ordinary man to do anything. Every aspect of his life must be regulated

When Martin says cautious and conservative it reminds me of:




Fuck that

Jesus, you change your avatars quicker than yere hurlers hit the deck


That would be the Islamic Quarter

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We just need to tolerate the OIUTF tantrums for a bit longer. Nearly there now.

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You can’t trust that public health message from the Midwest.

Some change in attitude from McDonkey from March 2020

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Why wont he just follow the science?

In ways we haven’t thought through. Christ who would have thought forcing healthy people to stay locked in their homes for a year plus might be devastating.

The lock down mentallers in the states and assorted shriekers in CNN etc now having to row back that actually their ‘fact checking’ re the Wuhan lab being the source was a conspiracy theory might have been premature.

Who would have thought it, eh, Sam.


Very important this is investigated thoroughly. I predict the Chinese government will cooperate fully

I see Michael O’Leary is laying down the gauntlet.

Another outbreak in Melbourne and the NZ travel bubble closed to Victoria. Whatever about airlines in this part of the world and restrictions, I can’t see how you can operate with the threat of business going after a few cases.