Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Traffic jams into the capital this morning. Herr Holohan will be furious at the mobility index.

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I’m anxious about being in a crowded space again.

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Forget about yer holidays lads

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May as well just book through an online Russian travel agency. Likely have all our details including credit card at this point anyway

Am sure they’d have no hassle throwing in a bogus green travel card in whatever name you want it too

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Book a flight anywhere you want and sure the Russians can land it where you are going

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True. Wouldn’t want to complain about services online while on your holiday tho. The inflight borscht is what it is.

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And they can’t even contract out the work to Indians as they are all riddled.

Was Tony Holohan behind the wizard spider attack in order to prevent people going on holidays? He had both the motive and the opportunity. On the evidence so far you’d have to say it looks likely.

Tony will be the new McAfee.

Travel with negative tests is already back…

I want to publicly apologise for ignoring the COVID related one-way system in the zoo last Saturday. At the time, our desire to get to the African Plains section and avoid the long walk around the pond was paramount in our minds, especially given you don’t really miss out on anything notable by going the “right” way. In hindsight, it was a highly reckless and selfish move and we risked our own health and that of others by walking against the traffic so to type. I have contacted the zoo directly to apologise and I’ve also been in contact with the HSE to nominate three Clare senior hurling players as close contacts.


You could pick three of them from the apes enclosure


Private negative tests take 24 hours it isn’t hard to print off or email onto the Spanish system.

If travelling in groups and one of said group has test result, the tests aren’t difficult to edit via Photoshop either I hear. Fella I met in Spain said he’d done for him and his family saving 600 odd quid

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The leaking of potential travel dates is very annoying. I’d have more respect for MM if he just said he wasn’t allowing travel for (insert bullshit reason here) until September no matter what rather than this “well it could be mid-July/ might not be the start of July? maybe end of July, depends on the HSE hack etc etc”

Some people have become institutionalised. They don’t want lockdown to end. Exhibit A.

Would you not agree that getting the domestic economy and society takes precedent over air travel?

Tourism and international business is a huge part of our economy. We are running a real risk of being a complete outlier here if we keep this up

And yes, of course a heap of other aspects of our society should be opened immediately too

But tourism can’t function when domestic society is so heavily restricted. That’s why air travel should only resume when everything else is on track.

I can’t understand someone like Glas who has defended lockdowns but wants air travel opened up freely. The only time air travel should be fit to return to normal is AFTER society has done so.

The domestic economy and society have to take precedent.