Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Among all ages, as far as I’m aware.

You do realise that the same thing you’re saying was said throughout the Autumn by people denying the possibility of a second wave? David Quinn barely went a few hours without gaslighting that people were worrying about nothing. How did that work out?

I don’t know exactly how this will work out but anybody who dismisses a rise in cases and a rise in hospitalisations like is frequently done here and elsewhere online is not a good faith commenter.

If there is a rise in hospitalisations due to Covid of vaccinated people we can get worried. Until then it’s scare mongering. The vaccine ends this as an issue based on all available evidence. We’ll soon have Vaccine 2.0 and they’ll be even more effective.

Hopefully now public health will focus on the epidemic of obesity. 1m hospitalizations in England in a year is staggering.


Do you have a source for the rise in hospitalisations? We’re in a different position now than we’re we were last Autumn with the vaccines so I don’t think the comparison is valid

Ah shure with the likes of you everything is “scaremongering”. Reasonable people learned very quickly in this pandemic to dismiss those who carp about “scaremongering”. You’re part of a large cohort of people who have retreated into a fantasy world where you’d always much rather hear a reassuring lie than an inconvenient truth. It’s a shocking indictment of how right wing politics and its associated social media has degenerated public debate. Ironically this fantasy world is permeated by a deep sense of fear more than anything.

It’s over pal.


Ah shure believe whatever you want.

Look at the graph. It’s over.

Who would have thought that vaccines end diseases as a problem.

It’s not over yet, mate. Vaccines will ultimately be the primary tool which ends this thing but it’ll be a while before that happens because this is a world problem and we’re going to be going around with significant numbers of people unvaccinated for a good while yet. You don’t do nuance. It’s too complicating and not certain enough for you.

People also said “look at the graph” last July. Didn’t work out very well, did it.

The vaccines end Covid. A vaccine for
Malaria may come out of this which would truly be a gamechanger for all those people in Africa and Asia you now care about. In fact once over 50s are vaccinated the vaccines for Covid should go to those 3rd world countries.

Anyway you’ll always be right in your own head and I’ll leave it there.

Vaccines will ultimately end Covid as a major threat. How many people are vaccinated right now?

There are nearly 8 billion people in the world. That means we likely need to be hitting 14/15 billion doses worldwide to properly end this thing as a threat, and that’s without the boosters which will likely be needed.

From the lad who keeps saying we should be New Zealand.

What’s wrong with wanting low fatalities?

If we were serious about beating the pandemic, we absolutely should have been. Part of the problem is the people who don’t do nuance where it’s needed also do false nuance where you shouldn’t.

That’s a completely contradictory position. Saying we should do what new Zealand do is just silly. You want nuance and no nuance, as and where it suits your argument.

If you say so.

Back at you pal.

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Ryan could resist pissing in Mark’s chips

What is Ryan’s point I wonder? @Cheasty?