Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

This clown off on a tangent already.


It was going tits up in Bolton until the religious leaders finally got involved and urged them all to get vaccinated, problem solved. They were doing 7000 a day up from nothing in the space of no time

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very interesting listening today to Nic Ferarri on LBC, Iā€™d say its unreal what went on in China last year, some IT nerd from China rang in and reported that 1.5 million phones suddenly went dead last year, indicating the death rate from covid went off the charts and they are covering it up something crazy, weā€™ll never kow the truth

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Full list of changes here

The hospitality/arts/sports/entertainment/retail sector shafted.

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July 19th. Ice age ended. Galway liberated from the Indians. Marathon became snickers. And HOLIDAYS.

Thereā€™s lads on here who say we should believe everything the Chinese government say. The lab leak theory is a lie because the batwoman who runs the lab in Wuhan said she checked and they had no virus like COV-2 in their lab and nobody in the lab got sick. Case closed.


The investigators went over and could find no evidence. Now admittedly it was a year later and they werenā€™t allowed look anywhere or talk to anyone but still. Case closed.



Who are these lads? And where have they said it?

Itā€™s even better than that, the lad who went to investigate (Dr Daszak) convinced the WHO that the data on 16,000 virus samples that was wiped off public servers in January 2020 was irrelevant and they shouldnā€™t ask about it. The same lad who was funding the lab. Iā€™m sure he has nothing to hide though and itā€™s just a conspiracy theory that he has a conflict of interest.

Itā€™s a fascinating story, well worth researching. The virus is a chimera, so two viruses combined basically. It can happen in nature, a bat and a pangolin could have met on the road from Yunnan to Wuhan (1000 miles), or it could have been made in the lab, one of hundreds of chimeras they had developed since 2003. We will never know, the people who know are all dead.


@EstebanSexface is a notable supporter of the CCP, wouldnā€™t hear of any criticism of them. @Thomas_Brady a suspect as well.

Ah yeah. Iā€™d say theyā€™re ā€œsupporters of the Chinese regimeā€ in the same way supporters of the Palestinian cause are all ā€œHitler loversā€.

The great unwashed(unvaccinated)

200 people can go racing/league games after the 7th?

Yes and more for Derby Day I think as some kind of trial

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Iā€™ve sort of been trying to tell yis lads for the last five or six weeks that the majority of people in Ireland and elsewhere are unvaccinated.

Tokyo 2020(1) should be fun.

The people that matter most are vaccinated though, and everywhere thatā€™s been accomplished have seen a dramatic drop in hospitalizations and deaths. Israel the best example.