Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Yes but a large number of unvaccinated people and an ever more opening society will cause problems.

The evidence would suggest otherwise. We’ve been opening up since January here and will be fully open a month from now. There’s still only 42% of people fully vaccinated, cases and deaths are at an all time low, 1,000 cases a day and about 40 deaths a day in a population of 40 million. It’ll never get to zero but should continue to decline.

What are ICU figures like today?






County board members and few hundred of their cronies.


I got my ticket, should have a few to spare too

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What are you on about?

What did Mick Martin have to say?

What’s the evidence of this?

Personally I’ve always been open to the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan* but I’ve never considered it an important issue because until now there’s been no suggestion of malfeasance. What difference does it make? You yourself mentioned a case of miners near Wuhan coming down with a covid19-like illness very recently. In other words increasing population pressures in the greater Wuhan area were bringing the human population into increasing contact with the bat population and if covid19 was already present in the local bat population then a jump from bats to humans was probably inevitable, whether it came via a research lab or not**.

Your post there is the first serious suggestion I’ve seen of evidence that the virus was engineered. What evidence is there to support the contention that the virus is a chimera? What serious reputable scientists have said this?

*Part of the reason I was slightly suspicious was because the Chinese story for the origin of the virus so exactly matches a scientific talk that was given by a lady a few years ago about how the next pandemic might begin, I can’t remember the exact details. If you were going to make up a story you would just copy her talk and maybe that’s what they did. I think the talk was given in England and the lady was foreign but that’s all I remember and it struck me as strange at the time.

**without being needlessly personal, it’s not entirely accurate for you to say that you said from the start that the Chinese made the virus in a lab. I recall quite clearly a series of posts that you made blaming the outbreak on bad Chinese eating culture and their refusal to clean up their act.

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The tickets and tae lads

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Marx was heavily influenced by the Lakota.

He said Cork would walk the all Ireland

After every cabinet meeting champ stands at the door slaps the ministers on the chest as they leave and says we are Cork

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By god


It’s great we have rediscovered our Corkness as a nation. We were fucked there without for a few years

Also, the cave where the miners got sick was not in Wuhan, it was in Yunnan. That’s where the team from Wuhan collected hundreds of bat coronaviruses since 2003, including the one that is 96% the same as COV-2.


It’s good to be free

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