Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I play up or down to my opponents level. You fucking cunt

RTE Prime Time just cancelled Christmas.

Which vaccine will be the best to take ?.Iā€™m leaning towards the russian one myself.

German one on Prime Time wants Christmas cancelled.

I think Christmas might be allowed to go ahead if you leave a window open.


If itā€™s good enough for Putin then itā€™s good enough for me too.

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More of this type of positivity required right now

Ya , itā€™s strange he didnā€™t offer trump one tho !

If I leave the windows open tonight Iā€™d be better off sitting in a canoe than on the sofa.

Ah nowā€¦

There might be more about Locky. I often think about him.

Well, you cannot win them all, alasā€¦ I have a very narky side.

You nailed @Bandage that time if it makes you feel any better

Thatā€™s like kicking a pup

I heard olā€™ Bando deleted the guts of a weeks entire postings on the forum he was so rocked

Ye should threaten to go on strike

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Christ Harry, will you stop humping his leg in public. You resemble michael duignan fawning over Henry shefflin.



that is one of the greatest things ever written down here, apart from @EstebanSexface describing himself running off to Kerry in the first lockdown



Ah nowā€¦ Thanks for the kind words hut I think you are being overly generous and then some. My skills are modest at the level that counts. There is far more to durable writing than thinking clearly.

You would be right about my attraction to the Ireland that is quietly sophisticated and fascinating in a way entirely lost on the Patrick Freynes of this world. A calling card in Irish journalism ā€“ a union card, almost ā€“ is setting up this false opposition between metropolitan knowingness/class and rural ignorance/deviousness. There is a sort of bumptious insecurity to such craic but most people lap it up.

I detest all that shite, Bridget and Eamon and Hardy Bucks and all the tedious rest of it, the same (non) joke told over and over again. To me, one of the great Irish artists of the last three decades is Pat Collins the filmmaker ā€“ in part because he has no truck with such neurotic oppositions. Kevin Barry the writer is somewhat similar. And Niall Williams is a terribly underrated Irish novelist. Anthony Munnelly (ā€˜An SpailpĆ­n Fanachā€™) is a really underrated columnist precisely because he explodes those oppositions.

There are a lot of good young(ish) Irish writers around now, I think. Wendy Erskine, Mary Costello (but not her last novel), OisĆ­n Fagan, Danielle McLaughlin, Nicole Flattery, Adrian Duncan. Thomas Morris nearly counts as Irishā€¦

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Waste of timeā€¦ For everyone involved.

I do not enjoy my narky side. Waste of time.


Very true. In fact you dont need to go any further than the Cork weirdo page for evidence of this