Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sure half of us were reared on gripe water and the other half had their soothers dipped in a glass of whiskey. Is it any wonder we are the way we are.

The mother would be looking for the gripe water for the younger ones and I’d have necked it. Fucking lovely stuff.

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Things have escalated, lads will never leave their bedrooms now.

Or books. No books. It really is a strange place.

Buying clothes requires browsing, dawdling and congregation in an indoor area. Only hipsters browse the booze aisle

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21629 cases today. Yet another record. Shooting up the leaderboard.

how did Poland do in March/April?

In retrospect very low. Lockdown happened here on March 12th, a bit earlier than Ireland or UK and it was pretty much a full lockdown. Everything has been open since the end of May. Since mid September the cases have really ramped up. The death rate is about 1.5%. The secondary schools have been online for over two weeks now and it is not having any effect on the numbers. We are expecting more lockdown announcements this weekend, the Government have been trying to keep the economy open but i am not sure how long before they try a circuit breaker. Add to that the thousands of people protesting on the streets and it is a really fun place to be.

Why are people protesting?

The Catholic Church are at it again

Restrictions on the abortion laws announced last week by the Constitutional Court. Lots of women’s groups and not only women’s groups protesting every day this week. The football hooligans/fascists organising counter protests. High jinks.

Foreigners coming in and stealing their women. And their stale bread. Be careful @balbec

are they peaceful enough so far? The hooligans aren’t wont to stay that way

A type of Spanish flu?

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Peaceful so far but a very fine line. The cops in places like Krakow are grand and have been joining in the protests but in Warsaw it is much more edgy. The hooligans are thick cunts but they have been encouraged by the Government in the last few years with their extreme nationalistic shite so it could get ugly. If the Government thought making this change was a good idea to deflect away from the pandemic it wasn’t the smartest idea they ever had.


Imagine the carnage if that happened. It’s the only thing that would probably see FF and FG destroyed.


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Alcohol is being consumed at an alarming rate in the households now. Regularly see lads with trolleys piled high with booze. Our local Tescos has doubled the size of their off-license section to try and meet the demand

don’t laugh, Brendan and Nuala have it in their crosshairs, wouldn’t surprise me one bit with the hysteria that has been whipped up