Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

@arthur getting ballsy

Tony Holohan’s wet dream on screen.

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I will definitely, definitely be watching this.

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The poor teenager up in Derry who was plastered all over the media a couple days ago as dying from Covid-19. Well, apparently it was heart failure.

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The comments underneath are representative of one or two posters here. Bizarre.

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Lidl / Aldi cannot stock their annual winter wear clothing (mainly kids stuff) because those items are not considered essential, yet they can sell all the alcohol they want and off-licenses are free to remain open but small and large clothes retailers have to close.

Did you ever come across something so Irish?


Can I buy blow-up sofas and metal detectors though?

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Would ye ever fuck up moaning or they’ll close the off licences. They are only looking for an angle to take away all our joy


If LDL and ALDI go where is any man expected to do his Christmas shopping?

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Did you see Prime Time earlier? It was a joke, Minister Damien English saying clothing is not an essential item and referring to the babygrow incident in Donegal whatever that was. Not sure I want to know.

Guards calling into shops telling them to stop selling flowers, greeting cards and books.

It’s absolute nonsense.

I can pop down to Tesco or Dunnes tomorrow and buy a trolley full of booze but can’t buy socks for myself or clothes for a child.

What are people with newborns or small kids supposed to do?

Buy them booze…isn’t it obvious?

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It’s Ireland, the government have got it right.

No need as long as Calpol is still available. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Wrap them up in newspaper. It didn’t do @anon67715551 and @Fagan_ODowd any harm.


It’s time to ban the sale of alcohol in Ireland during lockdown

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Horrible expression.

Ireland is far from the only country with what appear to be illogical restrictions.

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A glass of whiskey would warm any child up