Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

This is getting embarrassing now for nphet

Guys we are going to save Christmas. A Christmas miracle. We will be the envy of Europe.

When level 5 kicks in we could go into negative cases

Yeah, first lockdown of the New Year.

5 pints of porter please bar keep, and throw on Fairytale of New York on the juke box


Its absolutely incredible.

I’d prefer if they were all put on the PUP though - would give the cunts a bit more public perspective.

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That’d be fairly hard to justify seeing as they are working probably harder than ever and have literally the most important and responsible jobs in the country at the moment.
I’ll wait up until 1am for your response.

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552 cases

2 deaths

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3 weeks of Level 3
Followed by 1.5 weeks of Level 5

And we are still reporting 552 cases per day? Would have expected less than 200 per day at this stage

At least we didn’t hit the 5000 a day for Dublin that MacDonkey promised us.





The savage violence called for by @Tassotti looks to have kicked off across Europe. People are fed up

The weekend is over, can we be allowed to spam the thread again please. @Rocko @Bandage



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Itll all be labelled right wing for protesting. I can see that line of reporting back firing soon hopefully. In recent weeks a majority of people.are seeing through the bullshit of the measures taking to fight coronavirus from people who were LIDTF and saying I was cruel for calling OIUTF. The reality of fighting the virus is not going to happen. We have live with the virus and roll with it until a vaccine is found long term or there is a level of herd immunity delivered. Peopel will die unfortunately but that’s part of life. Where the focus should be why is health services worldwide, even the best not prepared. We have a poor health service in comparison to others that also were in trou

Farage Farage Farage

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For all @Tassotti’s posturing about the Mick’s it’s funny to see Boris sending John Bull and everyone else back under the bed.

Anyway, I’m off out of this thread for another week