Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The King of Europe

Enjoy the next month​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


For Sunday it was:

11,065 swabs, 539 positive, 4.87% positivity


You really should read that sentence you wrote there again a few times and see does it tell you anything.

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That positivity rate is encouraging. Assuming close contacts are actually being tested

All over.

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The next 14 days are critical.

Going to be SOME CRAIC in Dublin for the All Ireland.

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Would you give Galway the nod over Tipp at this stage?

Ciarain Carey wouldn’t be happy with this chat

To be honest I think I’d take that at this stage.

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Shur thats practically around the corner.

Just at the moment I would definitely take that.

Bring it on.

It’s a fucking cod.

Well actually, they say that excess mortality might have been less than 1,000 but definitely nowhere near NPHET’s figure of 1,800.

I was just thinking that 4.7 million innocent people have been put under house arrest to save 1,000 people, meaning that on average 4,700 innocent people are put under house arrest for every one person who dies of Covid. It can’t be morally justified.


its absolute insanity

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The traditional view would be that you can’t imprison even one innocent person for any reason. Now we’re imprisoning 4,700 for every one person who dies of this thing. Effectively a whole town full.

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Thats optimistic.
It will be late 2021 before Vaccines are widespread and start taking effect and thats assuming they are out early next year.
2022 There will be a period of shellshock and the residue of mass fear and hysteria that has gripped the masses won’t be so easily shaken off overnight. This could go on for at least a year.
2023 things start getting back to normal, cases will be miniscule, people will start trusting in the things the used to take for granted once again. We will havea sense of the old normal back at some point but it won’t stop there
2024 we are fucking goats on the streets, all the pent up existential dread will have to come out somehow. We could be in for some of the most debauched years in history off the back of all this


The roaring 20’s

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