Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Covid 20

So the R rate is now below 1 and Pope Holohan has nothing in the slightest bit positive to say, you’d almost think he was enjoying it all

Taoiseach Tony wants that r driven into the ground, driven to zero, fuck everything else

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You all set for John Bulls lockdown mate?

lockdown my arse, no one is listening to this rubbish anymore, not like subservient paddy who does what he is told, the place is flat out today, no cops asking where you are going, that wouldn’t be tolerated in a proper country

John Bull is at home under the bed.


The spirit of the blitz, they hid under their beds then too.

Roads didn’t empty out in Dublin much either from what I saw.

Did you see the Sky News video on the data being used there, good proper journalism.

The modellers don’t have a breeze of what is going on or driving things, it’s all fear of an April repeat.

modelling is a load of cobblers, there was meant to be five thousand cases a in in Dublin according to mcdonkey by the end of October, 4,000 dead a day on the mainland, pure scaremongering, the whole thing is a cod

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We hit 27000 daily cases here today and 300+ deaths. No sign of a decrease so a full lockdown is likely from next week. Primary schools already announced to go on line from next week.

The Health Ministry also released the age profile of all the fatalaties to date. Approximately 60% in the 70+ age group and 40% in the 80+

Is there many over there saying it’s a codski? My Polish neighbour is a vocal OIUTF man anyway

And the other 0%?


Full lockdown is a waste of time at this point. The modellers really don’t have a breeze.

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Interpret graphs yourself from now on.

The usual right wing nut jobs complain loudly. At our son’s primary school a parent of one of his classmates was trying to get the other parents to sign a petition not to wear facemasks at school. There wasn’t much support.

The average person doesn’t seem that bothered about COVID because we weren’t locked down since May but are getting concerned that the numbers are not improving in spite of increased restrictions in recent weeks . You don’t see the mass hysteria in the media here like back at home. The abortion law protests have dominated the media. A lot of concerns about the health service being overloaded are being voiced though.

Sounds similar enough public attitude to here. Nobody takes it all that seriously but just pays lip service to it and gets on with things. probably helps you’re not on polish tfk. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Yeah this neighbour is a big trump fan too. Bit of an auld eejit of a lad.

dirty animal coughing into his cupped hand…

Have they pulled the plug on this?

They have been badly rattled by the reaction. There are some leaking from PIS that “Kaczynski has finally gone too far this time”. Technically, the judgement comes into legal effect when it is “published”. They have decided not to publish it. The protests are still going on but with a lockdown imminent not sure how that is going to continue.

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450 positive from 11,845 swabs .
Positivity rate down to 3.8%.
7-day down to 4.42%

In the north of Ireland:
12 deaths,
516 cases from 2741 tests