Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The midterm break should start kicking into the numbers now in the next few days. I must buy a Christmas jumper for the 12 pubs

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Penneys might be open 24 hours in December :open_mouth:

If many of the professors and medics weren’t such condescending cunts they might get more support from the people that matter on the tfk.

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bit early for 2027


It’s chilling how easily people were convinced to part with most of their rights and accept draconian restrictions. A serious worry going forward


Humankind crave to be ruled with an iron fist

Flicked passed the live briefing on RTE News. Does anyone still watch these or have any interest in them apart from the media stations flogging them to death. 8 months and they’re still having them. Waste of time.

George Lee. His career depends on them

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I can only speak for myself but stopped looking at those conferences in April. Stopped looking at RTE full stop around May.

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One benefit of lockdown is seeing and hearing less of McDonkey et al. No doubt they’ll make a comeback in December.

You can how easily the British ruled Ireland for 800 years with two drunkards in Dublin castle armed with sticks

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The lefties hate freedom and personal choice, covid was a (non-denominational) godsend to them. More government control, more hiding under beds, more state handouts. They love it.


Tony Holohan and the npeht have replaced the British and the catholic church as the rulers


There goes the vaccine according to this!

Dirty Danes eating mink.

Where do we go from here?

Back under the bed spud muncher

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Hes doing a Christmas address on rte. Like the Queen of England does for her loyal subjects