Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Why ?? Have they heard of an obscure Irish website where many posters are backing Trump ?

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Iā€™ve a few buried in Thurles I need to see on Sunday

Something about the first country in Europe to go back into lockdown

I hope they mentioned we are only doing it to ā€˜save Christmasā€™

Only a classic wet Irish winter can save us now

So a good hard frost doesnā€™t kill the sickness?


According to this random fact page on twitter. No, but as sitting bull once said you canā€™t believe everything you read on the Internet

I though it was Abraham Lincoln who originally said that?

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Not according to the 5G conspiracy page Iā€™m part of

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If you are having a house party just donā€™t open the door to the Guards. I donā€™t think this legislation will be introduced, itā€™s unconstitutional. Maybe the house party but you could get away with, but a fine for being 6km from your house. I mean seriously. Come on

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A gym in Blanchardstown openly stating tonight that they wonā€™t be closing tomorrow. In reality Iā€™d imagine theyā€™ll go the way of that pub in NCW but I think shutting the gyms is very short sighted and detrimental to peopleā€™s health.

Especially as they are open in the O6

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I see now they are saying the 6 week lockdown is to get us back to level 3 for December. So people wonā€™t be able to leave their county at Christmas? And no restaurants and pubs open, even if everything goes to plan. Would they ever fuck off for themselves


Thatā€™s assuming we get the ā€˜R number to 0.5ā€™ which there isnā€™t a hope in hell.

Iā€™ve crunched the numbers and Level 5 will get us to 450 cases a day by December 25th.

Be under no illusion about this

Following the Taoiseachā€™s speech last night I attended a Zoom meeting with TĆ”naiste Leo Varadkar. Itā€™s fair to say he is pessimistic about the hospitality sector opening for Christmas.

His main points included:

  • The aim at the end of lockdown is for the country to return to Level 3 in December (the level at which we have been for that past few weeks)
  • He is not optimistic that Level 2 will be achieved by Christmas ā€“ which is the level we need to be in for a return to indoor trading (with social distancing)
  • Regional re-openings rather than county versions may be possible but this needs to be discussed when there is a better idea of where the infection rate is heading
  • He is open to meeting with VFI and wider hospitality sector in mid-November to discuss what Level 3 will mean for businesses once we reach the end of the six-week lockdown

This last point is important and one which the VFI will be actively working on to improve membersā€™ chance of having customers inside their pubs at Christmas.

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So whats the point of all this misery canā€™t we get trump to nuke us now and put us out of our misery

To ā€˜saveā€™ Christmas

Our only hope is itā€™s all revealed to be a cod by then by a proper country


Doubt even the brits would take us now to be honest

Level fucking 3. I hope that cases continue to rise to show what a farce this policy is. I can say I told you so to everyone I meet who have said we are in this together, retreated or shared anything that cunt Harris does. We will be piss poor but I can be a petty cunt knowing I was right.

Just a very depressing time for the country. Huge economic hardship on people. And worst of all there is no end in sight.

Make no mistake. There is no plan. No method to all this madness. We are reduced to the pandemic equivalent of the aimless hoof up the field, hoping for the best as we lockdown and open up, lockdown and open up. Rinse repeat.

It will get even worse when the clocks change, pitch black at 5pm every evening as RTE continue to peddle more misery and torment.

Life is being sucked out of us as a country. Itā€™s just desperately sad.