Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Another colleague has gotten it since, none of the rest of us were told. It’s daft.

And yet the public is to blame.


Community infection or at work? It’s a shit show…

Hopefully we don’t ever put higher ups from the HSE in charge of just about everything in the country. Can you imagine that shitstorm?


The people have thrown their hats at it.

First case was community, second is from work interaction

Have they been asked about it at the press conferences?

Is it becoming common this work transmission? Are precautions not being properly explained or is it lax work practices?

Damien English on being an outlier ‘Other countries like Wales and Belgium are following Ireland lead’

A bit of both in our place. We have to wear the mask pretty much everywhere, all day (12 hours). Lads take them off in the break room to eat and tend to relax other measures then.

Now we had one clown who came in knowing he was a close contact and with symptoms which didn’t help, and obviously we often deal with “difficult” passengers from all over the world so it could transit pretty easily anyway

Mac just spanked English ( and Matt ).

Some of the clients are riddled with it, it’s unavoidable to a certain extent

Yeah they have added a few now

Stay at home.

Exercise within 5 kilometres of home.

There will be a penalty for movement outside 5 kilometres of home, with the following exceptions:

  • travel to and from work, where work involves providing an essential service
  • to attend medical appointments and collect medicines and other health products
  • travel to attend disability day services
  • for food shopping
  • to take school aged children to permitted training as provided for in the Exercise and Sporting section above
  • for vital family reasons, such as providing care to children, elderly or vulnerable people, and in particular for those who live alone but excluding social family visits
  • for farming purposes, that is food production or care of animals
  • to attend a wedding or funeral
  • to visit a grave

My work falls under an essential service, so a letter in the car should suffice.

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The daughter has to go back to Cork next week for labs that can’t be done online presume I’ll be ok to tip across to Portlaoise to the train to drop her off next Monday?

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Could you visit a grave on the way

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How much do you need to know about the grave you are visiting?

Fuck me we’ve made CNN.

I have a few in Glasnevin and Clonmacnoise I need to check up on