Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s been there for all to see for ages now. Yet they keep getting him on. It’s insane. Is he on twitter? Hopefully he gets torn to shreds on it for this.

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Sure move it permanently, a holiday at the end of January would shorten the winter.

He sounds like a robot.

Hook is back and he is taking no prisoners. :slight_smile:


418 positive swabs
10787 tests
3.9% positivity rate.
7 day rate now 3.6%

More time for Galway and Mayo to celebrate their All Ireland wins!

It would need to be made permanent for Mayo to participate.

Still quite high? Shouldn’t it be way down now we’re 3 weeks into lockdown?

We need to go back to Level 3, Level 5 isn’t working

It never comes straight down. You’ll have lower days (like yesterday at 270) and higher days, but both keep getting lower as we progress.

Last week was roughly 400, 500, 300, 400, 500, 300

This week will be, 270, 270, 400, etc

Next week will be 190, 300, 200, 150 etc

There’s an outbreak in Limerick in the hospital. Probably all the house partying teenagers fault

We’re 2 weeks ahead of where they thought we’d be but they have set a ridiculous threshold to get out.

You’d need testing to halve to 5k and the positivity rate to drop below 2%

Yup. Pretty much impossible otherwise.

On the other end of the spectrum, it’s why McConkey’s 5k estimation for Dublin was basically impossible given testing capacity.

And no one will ever ask him about it. Or any of the insanely wide of the mark predictions he’s made

I hate myself for agree so much woth this cunt. Put its a good point that has been mentioned a few times here. Not to discredit the LIDTF crew, they make good arguements but the tfk 50k posts arguements should be had in the wider public

Who is the most dangerous bastard:

  • McConkey
  • Killeen
  • Thomas Ryan

0 voters

do you remember the woman that died in Fermanagh at the start, she was an elderly woman, the husband was treated like a murderer, not even allowed at the burial, they had a few lads in hazmat suits burying her inside a steel coffin, it was an absolute horrific scene, they should be jailed for what they have done to people


The glory of Free Speech, lets the Whack Jobs identify themselves front and centre.

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Its been said before but it’s an awful pity that in the real world mainstream media world there is basically no sustained coherent opposition to the nphet viewpoint but its also a pity theres no sustained coherent opposition to the OIUTF cod viewpoint on TFK. Both are existing in an echo chamber not being questioned or picked apart by anyone. It’s like two teams ‘flying in training’ but not playing any matches.