Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How does one “lose” 600,000 flu doses? They can’t all have slipped down the side of the couch.

Edit: misread it, I see they just mislaid the forrrrrms.

Good news. You’d have to wonder why it took so long.


First item on Rte news there earlier was Thomas Ryan cribbing about travel causing the COVID.

Tomas thinks he can solve the Irish border.

Lead story on RTE 1pm news is that immunity from Covid 19 only lasts 2 to 6 months for those who have been infected. 14 cases of reinfection worldwide and they’re peddling this shite as the lead story.

Would they ever fuck off.


Leprosy is a bigger issue than reinfection from COVID


Any word from McConkey or Killeen? They must be gutted their media careers are over now the
Vaccine is here.

A review of the worldwide data from HIQA.

Some nonsense.

9 minutes in - sixth story - they finally mention something about the vaccine roll out. Stressing that this is only IF IT’S APPROVED.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

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Can I ask what he actually proposed in this regard?

Who do you think RTÉ got on to talk about the vaccine yesterday?

All it is is saying that it’s in everyone’s interests to work together.

I think he was asleep in history class and the more contemporary issues that the DUP have presented.

See that’s why the likes of him shouldn’t be given air time. Completely half baked unworkable strategy.

No sure if this has been posted -Tomas Ryans a gas man.


Who keeps letting that gobshite on television. If Danny Healy Rae said it he’d, correctly, be openly mocked by the media


Fucking hell :laughing: He needs to be sectioned

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Lol, Dr Kellys reaction :smile: :clap:

Can’t wait to tuck into the turkey at the end of January.

I burst out laughing when I saw this. The guy’s a lunatic.


A complete madman.

At least its there for all to see now coming out with that shite.