Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s not the government who invented a virus. These whiny fuckers would want to cop on.

Whatever happene to the land of a thousand welcomes?

Another few weeks won’t kill them

We are at nothing as a people if we cant welcome our own home for the Christmas


This shit out of her, and she’s in her 40s :smile:


AFAIK there is nothing to actually stop her coming to Ireland on flights she booked in March.

The government have a responsibility to facilitate Irish citizens coming into their own country. Put whatever procedures are necessary in place and make them as ridiculous as you want. But telling them not to come home is a complete dereliction of duty by the state.
Testing should have been in place as standard at airports 6 months ago ffs. But we’ll blame the people wanting to come home. Standard
People will still come home of course and we’ll have nothing in place but a form.


She didn’t love it all that much if she left it in the first place. There’s a pandemic on love, hold off for a few more weeks there.


Ireland Ireland Ireland

No good at soccer but back on top of the Social Distancing Stringency table

There’s a new form though

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That’s it exactly. This is the approach the government has taken at every stage, take no responsibility, don’t make rules or efforts to manage, rather wishy washy “guidance”. Quintessential Irish solution to an Irish problem approach.

The rules on international travel have now been agreed at EU level and people can plan accordingly. Holohan can fuck off with whatever his views are, the system is in place and it’s not for him to change it. The government can choose how to implement these rules better if it likes, but again, along with NPHET it would rather not take any actual action and have responsibility for whether they are actually effective or not. This approach is both more unsafe and more unsatisfactory and unfair for anyone affected.

By Christmas we will be using very little of our testing capacity. There is absolutely no reason we couldn’t test every person arriving for the Christmas period, if we wanted to. If it’s such a risk why don’t we do that?

Varadkar admitted in the Dáil that he wasn’t aware if “modelling” had been done to take account of international travel over the Christmas period. That’s typical of NPHET’s approach, “we don’t know and we don’t want to know”. It’s utterly pathetic and treats people with contempt.

People are beginning to sense that and NPHET and the government will get as much and more contempt in return if they aren’t seen to be actually making an effort to provide clear rules on what people can and cannot do at Christmas. At least if rules are clear and communicated, then even if they affect people negatively people have clarity and can plan accordingly. But again, the government and NPHET don’t want to take the responsibility needed to introduce clear rules.


It’s possible this will happen. They are setting up a long overdue testing centre at the airport. We are getting tested Tuesday and some more staff were tested this week.

It’s vital travel is accommodated going forward. It’s too important to our economy to be let die

Simple solution. Fly into George Best airport. Bob is your uncle.

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Sure last July Leo was telling people to work away and go on their holidays abroad.

Áine in Dubai in November
How dare the govt warn me about the perils of booking flights now!

Áine in Dubai in December
Why didnt the govt warn me about the perils of booking flights in November!

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Why are we testing at the airports?
We were told this was pointless.

Why are we wearing masks?
We were told this was pointless.

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The testing centre is being set up but people will have to pay for their own tests. I don’t mind that that much really, but if travel is such a risk why don’t we just take effective actions like have random testing, mandatory testing for some, mandatory quarantine in case of positive test on arrival, or simply suspend flights from the most dangerous locations. Instead of saying travel is a risk at Christmas why not effectively manage that risk by testing everyone arriving? Or testing everyone arriving from a red zone?

We aren’t.


Over 85’s largest infection rate demographic in Ireland. Nursing homes being failed again.

We are going starting aren’t we?