Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

International travel is the last thing we should be focusing on.

I don’t have much issue on this when there are so many other issues in domsetic society with the restrictions. We should not be countenancing any lift of restrictions on travel until we have society functioning somewhat normally first of all.


Is there actually much that can be done about the private nursing homes though?

Another point:

Holohan said as our infection rates go down the relative risk from international travel goes up.

That is the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard and he needs to be called out on it.

The risk remains the exact same. And he still refuses to recommend any action to manage it. In my view it’s a complete failure to grasp what risk is and do his job by taking action to manage it.


Is risk remains lows in the community and you open up channel tunnels where transmission is much higher, where you have people mingling and interacting more then it is entirely logical that the risk increases.

What you are stating is utterly nonsensical.

Hospital in limerick is riddled. Blame the young people though

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I don’t think so? I haven’t seen anything to suggest we are. Private testing centres are finally being allowed, these will allow some people to get tests done to release them from the mickey mouse rule suggesting they should limit their movements.

The risk is the same. Relative risk is a nonsense. It’s either a risk and should be managed, or it’s not.

They have apparently moved from testing nursing home staff once weekly to twice weekly. This is anecdotal so I dont know if its true or not across every nursing home. Staffing has been a huge issue and moving them around does not help. Every nursing home should have 1 dedicated doctor and several dedicated nurses that work exclusively with that nursing home for the duration of this virus. If you are agency staff same rules should apply with guaranteed hours so you don’t lose out on days elsewhere.

People seem to be contracting it in Limerick hospital and “reseeding” the community with it.

That is absolute nonsense and lacks any sort of credibility.

International travel unquestionably exposes you to a higher risk, airports, airplanes and what do you think people who engage in international travel are going to do? Sit in their hotel room for a weekend or week, they are going to get out and about to whatever social outlets are available and meet people.

International should and will be the very last thing that restrictions are eased upon. The focus has to be on allowing domestic society to reopen first of all. The very, very last thing that should be countenanced is international travel.

Your pro-lockdown, pro-international travel rationale is without doubt the most crackpot theory I’ve heard on this thread.

And allow them proceed into a another Mickey Mouse rule to limit their movements (5k)

Despite the messaging from the HSE that attending hospital is safe, it really doesn’t seem to be the case in UHL.

It’s not my fault that you don’t understand that:

  1. international travel is important for Ireland; and
  2. international travel is not considered as big a risk as Tony Holohan says it is by most other EU countries.

We’ll had a 8 week lockdown and cases will be reduced to very low.

The strain of Covid in country is linked to Spain and Spanish holidays.

People who fly home for Christmas won’t be sitting at home on their own. They should be required to arrive with a clear test within previous 48 hours or submit to a test on arrival and not released until test is clear.

Otherwise we’ll be locked down for January and February while they are long gone back to countries they live in which are not shy about locking them up

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To be fair. It’s never been safe to attend UHL

Not important when our hospitality industry can’t function. In order for hospitality industry to function we have to put the ultimate focus on domestic issues not you going on a weekend break as much as your sense of entitlement takes over.

Ireland are an island on the most westerly point of Europe.

It’s riddled with MRSA

I’d be inclined to agree here. Most of my family and friends are abroad and I’ve accepted the fact they won’t be home this Christmas but it’s very unfair in my opinion if people are flying home for Christmas and we are back in lock down in early January because of it.

Obviously there’s extreme cases where people would be coming home to elderly parents or maybe people who’ve been sick or whatever but I think common sense needs to prevail here.

This morning the news on the radio said that we “may be allowed visit out families on Christmas” as if that was a big privilege. Then a soundbite by some NPHET cunt saying it was touch and go.


I thought we were told at the start of this stage 5 that it was ending on December 1st or 2nd and the whole point was to have a “meaningful” Christmas?


Sorry pal you’re fucking annoying me now. With respect and without harm you badly need to stop being a stupid cunt. We will be in lockdown in January no matter what anyone does. And pubs won’t fucking open for Christmas and your youth is going to be stolen from you, basically ripped right out if your hands. Get with the programme please and stop with this victim blaming nonsense.