Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Mine is, my wife’s biz is ruined … even without the lockdown half her clients were reluctant to book in over the last month or so. the covid payment is something but it aint worth a wank to us… I had taken on another job lately to keep income up but that’s gone now too.

When you say ruined do you mean bankrupt, losing premises, equipment, letting staff go etc?

All the jars of fanny wax were repossessed.


Ah, not ruined … i’m just venting a little there … but it’s just been a disaster. And closed now again for 6 weeks. Let’s just hope the women of Cark have a good growth spurt in the coming weeks… We wont starve or anything but it’s very frustrating … but i’ve been screaming about the fuck up that is nphet/the gov since last March - i’ve resigned myself to the fact that we just accept substandard government and policies as a people.

An exponential one …

Zoom meditation session tonight if anyone is interested, some lads are in an awful way


I’ll come in for a back sack and crack when this is over pal

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I’ve said it before, we are not capable of governing ourselves (FFG).If people dont consider SF next time We’d be far better off throwing our lot in with the Germans. Bring back the Trioka.

Report this morning:

The HSE is to ask people who received a positive test result last weekend to alert their own close contacts.

Because they’re so backed up and under-resourced. They literally can’t contact trace.

This is the reason we’re in lockdown, despite attempts to pit people against people by the usual suspects.

It’s beyond the beyonds really, especially when you consider they stood hundreds of people down from contact tracing in the summer and never bothered to ramp up again.

It’s literally a job anybody out of work could do. Follow a script and complete the template as you’re having the chat.

Ridiculous ineptitude and mismanagement by those in charge.


If you dont mind what does your wife do? Does she have vouchers or anything?

Ryanair type model

She’s a beautician. I’ll send you a link to her Bebo page by PM.


I know a girl who appled for a job to track and trace with the Hse 3 weeks ago.The amount of shit she had to fill out took 2 days and still hasn’t heard anything back from them yet.


It doesn’t help that no opposition party has the balls to disagree with NPHET


I applied back at the start of all this thing and was told they were only hiring from within the public sector

:grinning::grinning:.Yeah lads we better keep this in house.

There was also the furore about “accidentally” offering zero hours contracts. A bureaucratic mess

They sent me out the forms then recently to apply again. Your information is spot on. Mother a gawd. They wanted 6 references.

It put me right off.

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Philip Nolan on RTE there. There is something incredibly dislikeable about that gravelly voiced tosser.


Yeah this lady said it was the worst application she ever seen.It was almost as if they wanted her to give up.