Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A friend of my life partner’s had a sudden family bereavement around six weeks ago when her father died. The HSE sent a letter addressed to the deceased (strictly for addressee only) yesterday and his wife opened it, because he’s actually dead. The letter informed the dead man that the standard COVID-19 test carried out as part of his autopsy was negative, but he should reduce social contacts in the weeks ahead.


Yeah same. I did give up, partially because I had interviews line up though.

I took a break a day into filling out forms and just never went back to it

That reminds me of a caller to Joe Duffy a few weeks ago who wanted to cancel her sky subscription cause the husband was dead,the sky representative asked her was this true and put her on hold only to come back a minute later to tell her she checked and ye it true your husband is dead.


You wouldn’t mind it but it probably took 25 of the cunts 6 months to come up with it

FF/FG biggest achievement has been driving wedges between different parts of society, it’s been happening since the 80s. People are too busy turning on each other.

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No opposition party, very few journalists. A few doctors have but they were quickly removed

I’m going to use that little story.

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Sure Sinn Fein got lambasted by the curtain twitchers on here for Bobby Storey’s funeral. The government have used it and other things (the north) as a stick to beat them with

I should’nt laugh I know.

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I don’t get your point. Parties get lambasted for lots of things, that’s kind of the job

you said no opposition had the balls to disagree with NPHET. Sinn Fein had an event which flew in the face of the advice and got absolutely destroyed for it. They’re hardly going to go heavy against NPHET.

Mary Lou can’t really go against NPHET anyway, they aren’t a political party, she can go against the Governments handling of NPHET’s advice, which she is hamstrung by because of policies in the North. They are a weak opposition

We have a fucked up Dail. I get the impression FG are being Machiavellian from the inside

Rural Independents are the strongest voice against the Governements handling of it, they aren’t going to be listened to in the corridors of power

I would imagine part of the lack of transparency from NPHET would be that if everyone saw their modeling and how inaccurate all the predictions were, they would quickly disregard all their future advice.

Sam McDonkey really needs things to deteriorate if his 5000 cases a day in Dublin by the end of October prediction is to come true

Man who wanted outdoor cafe society now unhappy we have outdoor cafe society. :hugs:

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Yeah he’s fucked. The cases next week will come from the conditions this week and earlier.

If he doesn’t get his number he’ll be discredited as a loonball mentalist.

The Welsh lockdown looks good too.

Dr. McConkey isn’t a member of NPHET, or an epidemiologist.

Parties get destroyed for things all the time. Being a political party means having your own ideas about things and not being afraid to give them as SF do in all other areas.


Maybe they agree with certain aspects of NPHET’s advice, during the pandemic?

Not exactly. These wild predictions are what they say will happen if no action is taken. The scale of the numbers ensures action is taken so the predictions are never actually put to the test and can be recalibrated the next time the public need to be jolted into scare territory

Applied myself 2 weeks ago, took about 2 hours, 2 days a bit of an exaggeration, especially if you’ve relevant docs at hand. After 2 weeks I got an email asking would I consent to Garda vetting, ticked the box, that was almost 3 weeks ago. Absolute shit show alright


That’s fair enough, although they wouldn’t give a straight answer on that either before the government moved to Level 5. The anti lockdown SF lads on here should bear that in mind though when they’re complaining about FFG