Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sheā€™s not wrong there.

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Is this live at 3? Whereā€™s Derek Davis.

In an urn in the bird box


This is meant to be a current affairs programmeā€¦

Iā€™ve only been skimming this thread for the last few weeks because itā€™s pointless but it looks like yeā€™re well into parody country now.


Weā€™re down to 21000 cases a day now. Once we get the deaths below 300 a day Iā€™d expect the restrictions to be eased.

It may as well be Mary Fitzgerald Make and Do in How do you do

Weā€™re aiming to get minus deaths, i.e. bring people back to life.

Maybe then we can be free.


Forget the small bottle of hand sanitizer. Travel size listerine needed

If it worked for Clifford the dragon ā€¦


Trump wasnā€™t far off lads, he just said bleach instead of listerine


Trump was taken in the literal context not sarcastic. He is very misunderstood in the 2020 context

8.43am this morning on Morning Ireland they had a virologist from TCD on. First question:

We had news last week on the Pfizer Biontech vaccine and more news yesterday on the Moderna vaccine, both of which have been developed in record time. Doctor, are people right to be concerned that corners might have been cut?

Follow on question, should we be concerned that children havenā€™t been vaccinated in the trials?

Would they ever fuck off. How many people had RTƉ pushed over the edge in this pandemic?

To be fair to the good doctor from TCD he highlighted the breakthrough that led to the vaccines had been developed over the last 10 years.


No phase 3 drug trial is performed on children. Thats incredibly dishonest questioning. I have said my concerns around the timeliness of coming up with the vaccine but what does give me confidence is there is now more than 3 from rival companies that work. If they are working against each other and coming to the same conclusion is a decent benchmark. Thats very positive. Rte need to make this positive point not drive people mental

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Open it up to fuck

I just tested NEGATIVE for COVID from an antigen test in the airport



I got the test result after about 20 mins


Is the test you took available to the general public?