Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

They are mad for their traffic stats.

I said it back in September when Glynn was at the Oireachtas and said similar, they shit their pants with any kind of movement. No matter that schools and construction are still running - comparing to April is farcical.

I have no doubt that people are not adhering to nearly the same levels but NPHET live on another planet. They can only see March, April and May where they were given a near total shutdown and probably 99% public buy in.

At the start they were worried people wouldn’t comply for the two weeks. Instead they got months and still pissed them away

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Saying to everyone that we had to super slow in reopening as they were crunching the numbers on the impact of Breada going to the hairdressers of R

Those numbers in UK suggest effect is 0.06

They still don’t test staff daily in hospitals. Every two weeks.

NPHET/HSE don’t seem to think they have any responsibility to control what it can control.

0.2-0.5 for schools apparently. Our target was to get down to 0.5 which makes it hard to see how you can down to that level with schools open. Nolan claiming Ireland are different on this metric though, not saying what the impact was but just different.

It’s really because it’s the only thing that Martin has put his foot down about.

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Christ above

The North poses a special problem but as long as case numbers are much higher there, we must address it, as Australian states did at their state land borders. There must be no non-essential travel from and to Northern Ireland. Essential travel for business can still continue across the Border, regulated by a Covid-19 passport system – frequent essential travellers will have tests every few days and be required to minimise and record their contacts on both sides of the Border.

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The festival of over-engineering continues!

Regardless of what side of the OIUTF/LIDTF or in between arguement you are, the general public is seeing through the bullshit spoated by our dear leaders. Instead of recognising the sway in public opinion and issuing reasonable guidelines and advice, they doubling down on restrictions and blaming the public. Its actually disgusting their approach


McConkey only likes his own tweets

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It’s embarrassing the levels of understanding these people have on the border and trade. At least they are now admitting they would need a border but Christ above.


In Adelaide i wonder do they have gays and other dilletantes going around destroying public property with slogans such as BE NOT AFRAID and pictures of the medical officer in a superman costume?
They loved that here, it gave great inspiration to people who could put up pictures of it on twitter


I imagine those pictures of super Tony are a real kick in the teeth for anyone affected by the cervical cancer disaster.


Its the students :mask::mask:


The failure to test hospital workers falls at door of HSE/NPHET

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This is why Tony is loving Covid, it means he doesn’t have to answer for his role in Cervical Check. The cunt should have been fired.

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100% they have failed the workers from a safety point of view. These workers by the nature of these jobs have plenty of close contacts within work. These contacts are vulnerable too. Its up there with the nursing homes earlier in the pandemic. Thats without mentioning these workers have family’s to go home to. How can you cut your contacts if that is your job, help the sick?

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People are a disgrace really.

The fact level 5 put back the hearing works perfectly. The evidence alone from that hearing will be damning enough this man is not fit for his role and should be removed.