Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Not even at the minute. At this moment unlikely anyone outside the at risk groups will be able to get it

Don’t think it’s an Ireland specific issue though is it?

As is your right. Would you be heading up the motorway or down the motorway at that point though?

I think the HSE have it but won’t release it?
Something to do with doctors not completing paper work

“Student activity” also blamed. I thought there was nobody on campus?

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But Tony blames the selfish students

West is down and east is up

All the Mary I student houses appear to be well occupied, sure what would you expect, they’re hardly staying home with mammy and daddy in Belmullet

Is it not west is back and east is over?

JP will have to fly in a bubble for Limerick to train in.

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The student population in NCW is gone buck ape.

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At home Testing rather than lockdown

It is southbound

You can’t trust cunts to wash their hands or even stay at home when they have symptoms, so I don’t see anything that banks on trust in people working.


There’ll have to be checkpoints at the bottom of the stairs every morning to make sure the test is done.

Tony Holohan needs to start looking at this level of restrictions since the Irish public cannot be trusted

cc @mickee321

  • Weddings and funerals are banned for the duration of the lockdown.

That’s one way to get the deaths down

this is my favourite one

  • People will not be allowed to leave their homes for exercise, whether indoor or outdoor.

Signs on Mourning Ireland that the Medico-Political establishment are turning on the public. When asked why cases are going up Catherine Martin thought that maybe the public had got “a little complacent” while Cillian de GarsĂșn thought that maybe people had “celebrated a little too much at Halloween”. On Prime Time last night de GarsĂșn thought it was obvious that people were not taking the lockdown as seriously “just look at the increase in traffic compared to April”. This is taken de facto as anecdotal evidence of disregard for the lockdown. Sadly Miriam O’C didn’t have the wit to query the obvious which is would the increase in traffic have anything to do with parents dropping their children to school.

Some other lady doctor was blaming funerals, specifically people not washing their hands at funerals.


I think an Adelaide style circuit breaker for 2 weeks at the end of this lockdown would make a big difference