Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

All Switzerland’s ICU beds are now fully occupied. They have twice as many ICU per capita beds as Ireland. NPHET understandably don’t want that happening here.

The “lack of optimism” on the vaccine comes from their only view of the world being that fear sells.

Similarly in the U.K., the authorities won’t acknowledge indicators that London has reached a level of immunity that is reducing transmissions.

The problem with this short term approach to human

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So what? What have the Swiss ever done for us?

Swiss/Polish diplomatic relations wouldn’t be one of my areas of expertise.


Switzerland have over 3 times our population density. The problems there are similar to Belgium. Small countries with relatively large populations and huge levels of cross border travel. Ireland doesn’t have these problems and so comparisons are pointless.

But but but!!! Switzerland!!

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Dont worry. Someone on the forum will be an expert on it…


So what we need to do is compare to another sparsely populated island nation?

Anything is possible. For example that overexposure to metals like stolen gold over the years has led to the Swiss population having weaker immune systems and being more vulnerable to bad Covid. Alternatively the bits of nuts and nougat in a toblerone might trap covid molecules due to its stickiness and lead it straight through the digestive system thereby offering greater immunity. Lock down the Alps anyway and we’ll see in a few years what was what.

Jersey? Sure they’ve historically massive murder rates so they’ve statistically less vulnerable older people to die naturally. That’s not fair.

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The US managed to avoid a second wave by staying in the first one

Why cherrypick certain countries in order to catastrophize and project what might happen here. We are not comparable to them. They are landlocked and have borders with 5 countries. People from those countries flock to work there in their droves every day. Of course there is going to be higher transmission and therefore greater occupancy of ICU beds as you alluded to in your post. “NPHET understandably don’t want that happening here” should understand these differences in community transmission before they advise government on policy.

Holohan is a fucking psychopath, his personal issues have destroyed his judgement, he should not be running the country at this time

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how many people travel from outside Dublin to Dublin for work? How densely populated is Dublin?

I wouldn’t be getting so cocky. They brought in laws to put manners on us when they needed it before, they’d do so again if they truly needed it.

In Switzerland you have people coming from Munich, Turin, Milan etc. Countries that have different incidence rates and policies. In Ireland you have more joined up thinking as you are only dealing with 1 jurisdiction. Primary mode of travel for these commuters will be by train which again doesn’t help. Cross border workers and travel is the main problem for Switzerland.

The vaccine news has emboldened the hard lockdown medical personnel and academics as it’s an easier sell with an end in sight albeit months away

Is contact tracing still a thing?

no point when you’re in lockdown and community transmission is so high

So we’ve given up on contact tracing while we have a lockdown, among other things to in order to improve our contact tracing?

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