Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

what? have you lost your shit now as well?

Basically yeah. The original justification of having a lockdown to expand ICU and develop contact tracing has been quietly dropped. In fact, contact tracing seems to have been quietly dropped entirely.

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Youā€™ve criticised our systems and questioned the government policy. Youā€™ve lost your shit, you need to calm down. Step away from the keyboard.

You lads are still not taking this pandemic seriously. I think a further 2 weeks added to the current lockdown time frame will give you more time to reflect on the seriousness of it.


How will the CSO track deaths so?

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You just said there was no point in contact tracing.

I completely disagree. We have absolutely no clue what sectors are continuing to drive case increases by all accounts and donā€™t seem to be making any effort to gather data to inform ourselves better.

NPHET has taken this approach a number of times now. Donā€™t know and donā€™t want to know. Easier to shut things down than make the effort to strike a balance when opening back up.

We are going to have to open up again. What are doing differently to make that go better than last time? ā€œMore slowlyā€ is not really a policy based on data.

there is little point in contact tracing when community transmission is still so high. Iā€™m not going to explain it to you, as it is fairly self explanatory. It eats up tracing resources, time and money for little to no value and the majority of people are expected to act like a close contact anyway

tracing is of value when you have community transmission back to a manageable number. I think they have made strides in improving the number of people doing contact tracing and the resources available in the last while, having initially made a balls of the staffing

Yeh according to Martin they are hiring an additional 1000 contact tracers. However after making a balls of hiring contractors on zero hour contracts this latest batch will be permanent HSE staff so will cost approximately ā‚¬1bn (1000 x 25 year career x ā‚¬40k). I would hope that theyā€™ll be utilised.

they already have 550 and the plan is to get it to 1k, was my reading of it

Iā€™m not cherry picking at all. A lot of countriesā€™ (with differing demograpics) health systems are under serious pressure. Because our health system is shittier than most they donā€™t want it happening here. I can see their logic. If you have a probelm with their logic then you should direct your ire towards those who have enabled them to make the call. I donā€™t know of any country who have introduced minimal restrictions whose health system is not under pressure. There may be examples, I just havenā€™t heard of any.

If you contact traced it might help get the community transmission down mate

maybe, but since pretty much everyone is supposed to be acting like a close contact it is redundant, in my opinion of course. The level 5 restrictions are the main weapon in reducing community transmission. Contact tracing is effective at lower numbers (should be)

Iā€™m sure contact tracing is still happening anyway. Iā€™d imagine it is very difficult at 300 odd cases a day and an average of 5 or 6 close contacts. Thatā€™s a lot of phone calls.

Weā€™ve had insufficient contact tracing since day 1 ā€¦ why start now says you.

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we actually had a load by the end of the Spring and they decided to fuck them all off back to their original public service departments. By the time it kicked off again in September and October they were fucked.

That was a major cock up

400 people with 6 contacts and only 500 people to do it. Thatā€™s nearly 5 phone calls a piece a day. Sounds impossible alright. I donā€™t know how they do it.


Yes youā€™re right. Iā€™m not sure what the correct number is but itā€™s typical waste and inefficiency if the bulk of those arenā€™t already employed by the HSE

As the famous Roy Keane quote about Saipan goesā€¦ Fail to prepare, prepare to lockdown

thatā€™s convenient all 400 people had the same 6 contacts.

400 x 6 is 2,400. Divided by 500 is 4.8. Iā€™m mortified for you

A decent call centre would be doing 5 per hour.