Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Ask can we get a train with 50k people from limerick to Dublin for the AI final?

He got a nice finders fee too



Dr Tony will be thinking to himself that my softly softly approach hasn’t worked - it’s time to get serious so it is

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I’ve just got the pun #antiviral

Holohan needs to get medieval here


Disappointed to see that roaster done good Lauren Guilfoyle is promoting the LIDTF mantra on her social media channels

@Copper_pipe needs to unmatch her on Tinder

Why are the teachers looking for 2 extra days off at Christmas

Some union rep from TUI saying they need it on tv3 now

One of his arguments seems to be that having kids in school when they can’t have a school play would make kids sad

She’s an eejit

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It was only a day and a half in fairness

And the half day before holidays isn’t even a half day.

I told ya it would happen.

The auld influencers will do anything for cash money.

Anyone who doesn’t recognise this for the cod it is, is part of the problem. And there are quite a few here that fit that profile.

Absolutely insanity

Dr death targets the animas as get cant get irish women

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Mink the Merciless


McConkey was talking some nonsense on Morning Ireland earlier going on about people needing sick pay, better GP care and an end to zero hour contracts to help with tackling Covid.

Pretty wishful thinking from him and unlikely that any of those issues will be addressed in the short term if at all.