Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

George on the verge of blowing his load on national tv here. Shouldn’t have worn the dark suit

George Lee is very disappointed with you all.

what is he saying? He is nearly a parody of himself at this stage.

He wants to cancel Christmas. Households are the problem, the virus likes to climb in the house windows

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Maybe if ye all light a holy candle in the window the virus will stay away?

Corona Virus is having a party
Bring your vodka and your Charlie

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Why can’t ye do what ye are told?? Holohan needs to get serious here now. Extension of lockdown with the imposition of further restrictions

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It’s all very disappointing.

Meanwhile whiskey in Tesco is on offer. Caskmates, black bush and roe&co all at 25. Black barrell at 35. No sign of crested


The off licences will need to be closed.

George Lee just on news breathlessly predicting we could be back up to 1,000 cases a day in December with no justification. How RTE get away with this shit.



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He thinks he’s the Taioseach.

How much of tax payer money is being spent on these “content creaters” to influence young people to the dangers of covid. Have they not got the message that young people have done their bit and see through the bullshit. If they aren’t listening now why would they?

100 followers :grinning:

That’ll make an impact alright

Forum fav Lauren guilfoyle has been on about it. I assume she’s on the pay roll and is doing a q and a with Glynn. Watch this space

You think NPHET are paying social media people to push an agenda?

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Not NPHET, hse or department of health. I say it got run past them but no direct involvement. The description states it is funded by the government of ireland

They are sure. There was an announcement about it and everything

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Forum favourite Neal Richmond first advanced the idea iirc

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